Pointless Topics

@Les_Zeppelin you need to do it t’other way around.

so 1812 divided by number of views (103055) will give you cost per view

= £ 0.017582844

Rounded up is 0.02 (avg cost per view)

The inaccuracy is because you’re doing it the other way around, using the rounded up number to calculate how much the cost should be

So if you take 0.0175 as cost per view, multiply by number of views (103055), that gives 1803.46. It’s slightly out because I’ve missed out some decimal places

Came here to say that.

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So very tired. Daughter’s 7th birthday and she woke up at three too excited to get back to sleep, bless her she managed to stay in her room until half three so I’ve been up since then having gone to bed at half twelve. Got a whole afternoon of fucking Teams meetings to get through, ones where I will be expected to say something as well. Fuck.


Anybody had any experience dealing with Guidepoint? Seems they pay people to tell their clients what’s up in certain industries.

All looks legit but when something sounds too good to be true…

Abigail’s Party was on telly last night. Arguably one of the greatest plays ever written.

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It’s no Naked.

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Allow me that one - grim days at work of late.
Excessive aggro etc.
Can I get paid to write lies about trainers again please?


I was going to ramble about how the screenplay could easily have been a play, but fair.

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I agree that it’s amazing.
As I get older though, I always look for messages that can offer up something positive too. Its class analysis is brilliant but I’m always left thinking, ‘now what though?’
You know what I mean?
It’s a bit sneering really - especially when you think about the political context it was written in.

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Wha hey… So last friday I spent the weekend away in Edinburgh on the first day of their new lockdown restrictions. Tomorrow I start a week off week off work on the first day of a Lancashire semi skimmed lockdown… Champion!

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Are you doing a tour?

The only thing I will be touring is the hills of Lancashire on foot from my front door.

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Has Ed Templeton been drawing on hills in Peru?

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Ben Broyd of Blast and Legacy fame :joy:

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Any web nerds out there? Got a request to make a website with ecommerce type options, paypal etc, is there an easy way to do this with a 3rd party plugin or site, that the client can manage?

This is the obvious one I guess WordPress eCommerce | eCommerce Website Builder | WordPress.com

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@jimvo Shopify?


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The price of one cup of coffee a week never felt like a better investment…

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I just asked the Google how long I had left on my timer and she said “21 seconds to go”. Bars.