Pointless Topics


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ooh you’re eldest does the ramps doesn’t he, hows that going?

oh great, hes got his own company now.

lovely, whats it called?

eat shit.


‘eat, drink, puke’

Which Panic board?

Had to come to a wedding today.
Wrong day for wearing this clobber, I want to be at home in the garden in my shorts and tee.

anyone skate today? my lunch break was at 1pm and i foolishly decided to spend the full hour skating, almost died of heat exhaustion - worth it

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Decided recently to try cbd buds for a couple of reasons.
I mentioned it in a different thread.
I told my Mrs what I was doing and why.
She is vehemently against drugs in a conservative way.
Having read about its uses, she asked me to try it during one of her migraines around “that time of month”.
The outcome being that her migraine became bearable and her back and wherever esle she gets regular pain from were much better too.

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Seems like Instagram are rolling out some detection algorithm, if they hadn’t already. Hopefully one that spots rented Lambos and fake watches.

Sounds like piss-poor stock image descriptions.

Paging Pigdog… if anyone will know.

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From the way he’s facing it looks like and indy, boning out the back foot?

Could be a bs tailbone, could also be a sadplant if his other arms on coping (edgy photo angle)

Or if you want to be a proper journalist, call it a fs air cos he’s grabbing on his front side.

Woke up about 5:20 this morning and for some reason felt the need to go downstairs.
As I was walking down the stairs, I noticed the front door was wide open.
Next to our front door are my keys, my laptop bag for work etc etc.
I guess I just didn’t latch it properly and fortunately nobody took advantage of the situation.
I shall be checking that more carefully from now on as I consider it a bit of a let off.

Makes me feel better about my early morning. I dreamt that I had shat myself, one of my dogs woke me up at about 6:15 so I went downstairs to find infact he had shat all over the carpet.


Anymore reference than just that screenshot??
Slob is frontside mute

My boat got broken into on Wednesday, I had like £1000 of obvious power tools beside the door, another £1-2000 worth in a storage bit under the steps, my girlfriends laptop was on the sofa covered with a blanket - which had been moved off exposing it and yet nothing at all was taken.

So weird but so lucky.

Could be a Del Mar indy.

Which is basically a backside John Thomas air.

But it looks more like some kind of hand plant.

Is that David Nielsen

When will a tennis player switch up their celebration?
The tensed arm and fist shake is old hat.
I don’t really watch the sport but anytime that I do see any of it, someone is doing that crappy little tensed arm fist shake.

For the forum challenges, can someone try and recreate this after their trick, please?

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don’t they do it because psychologically they need to celebrate each point, but there’s like 50 points a minute that they win so they can’t exert too much energy. It would be nice if they did a full footy celebration after each one, but they’d get a little tired.

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