Pointless Topics

Just been told off for being ungrateful as well. :sweat_smile:


Happy birthday beefcake

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I’d rock that, although I am addicted to Pokémon Go

Felt so ill the past few days, been in a state of fever dreams to the walking dead, wiped out still but on the mend. See I didn’t miss much around here, haha.


Cheers man, oh no, hope everyone is good? It’s nice to be back in the land of the living and chilling, playing catch up with my moving picture stories, haha.

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Lasted 20 seconds.
Is there a reason to watch it? (Genuine question)

Haven’t watched that one, but their POV rooftop stuff is genuinely fucked.

These are the aforementioned skaters:


All them spots in the first part of the video were all local to me, like 5 minutes away.
Only reason I got through any of it.

couple brighton boys jump into some sand around 17 mins

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is there a skateboard trivia thread?
I rather like the idea of a thread dedicated to fascinating rolling tidbits.

adding false ones would add to the fun…
“Lance not only rode for both Nike and adidas, he ate at Burger King AND McDonalds”
“the guy who runs @ScienceVersusLife has flatbed scanners for hands”


That’d be great. I got a set of those cards you, me and Cundall played in that downstairs pub that time from Floor. I think @franc has them too, it was some Euro company. Something exactly like those would be good. Except on here.

Those Nottingham-based Kahoot games on here were incredible too, of course.

And this is a good account. Last night was a Penny one. You’d have loved it:


edit: Got carried away and thought you meant a quiz thread. Same thing probably, once the debates start.

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Yeah I enjoyed that too.
The account behind the Penny one is North east based.

Remember Ginonix’s quizzes on the OG forum?
Before he went off and became a pop star of course/


Went for a lunchtime roll. Already too hot for gingers.


Who does those ‘cult of’ accounts?

Penny one is good but the Chewy one is so cringe. It’s embarrassing reading the captions. (Obviously the footage is good).




Yep! The very same.

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You probably got them from me as they were made by a mate of mine for his distribution company down here. I always told him we should organize a pub quiz but he said there was no point as I’d win no matter who showed up. :nerd_face:

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My mate Jamie runs the SkatePubQuiz - he’s doing skate shoes for the next one, deep in research now…


man how sick would it be to all meet up for an actual, in person skate pub quiz