Pointless Topics

An 8.25" board is almost exactly 21 cm wide, the width of an A4 sheet of paper.


Indys new base plates. 9/16" nut with 5mm Allen key, why?

Smash the Imperial System :fist:


You forgot Mercury

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Royal are the only usable trucks from that list.

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I remember seeing a company called Crail advertising in sidewalk around that time, I think they were from Brazil. Never actually saw the trucks irl.

There are plenty of other ‘forgotten’ about truck companies i.e. Tracker, Gullwing etc, but if we’re just talking about truck companies that have been and gone (Royal not included) then…


G&S Cro-Mo,


Seismic, you know, with the springs :roll_eyes:

(Special 70’s mention: ACS, Bennett, Duraflex, Alley Cat).

Fury were decent.

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Fury had that sick ad of Penny doing the tail down the hubba

I got given some Mercurys to try out when they first came out. The finish was terrible for a start. Given that they were out off the back of Thrill Of It All one would think they’d take a pounding. It took three days and I’d bent an axle on one truck and snapped the pivot on the other. I snapped the truck pivot on an underturned noseslide down a knee high ledge. Back to the Ventures for me.

Destructo all day though.

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Gotta fight Tucker Carlson who’s standing up to the global tyranny of the metric system…

Gotta love that rage boner him and Mr Bow Tie are getting from not measuring their distances in miles, chains, furlongs and feet.

I was trying to find this recently too - maybe it was on the SW forum?

Will def take a look at your zine when not on my phone.

Is there a way to pay to not see ads on the forum? I could swear I saw someone post about it a while back.

Yep! @Spanky


You get dark mode and all the work lurk shit too.

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Found it, it’s a Patreon. I signed up @Spanky


These @cultof… accounts are getting a bit tedious. At least the Tom one is consistent and those guys search out their own stuff (mostly), but why bother doing an account when you’re just screenshotting what’s already there? People can search by hashtag and see exactly the same stuff ffs.

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And fucking reels too, fuck off. Still haven’t seen one that isn’t exactly how I imagine Tik Tok to be.

Nicked from Slap. Interesting…


Quote from: Tyroneshoelaces on October 17, 2020, 09:18:35 PM

> is he actually into sikhism or is he like a girl at coachella into Yoga, astral shit, and wearing a vishnu necklace for a summer

From a quick look, he is a follower of Ra Ma, which is an offshoot of the 3HO Khalsa cult (the one Habitat Guru was born into), whose dead leader has recently had a huge number of sexual abuse allegations drop against him. One of the leaders of Ra Ma has been convicted of fraud previously.

I’m close with several people who have escaped the abuses of this group, so I’m pretty well versed in it and opinionated against it. It has been a bummer to see PJ go down this road. Every time I see threads jocking PJ here I try to hold my tongue, but here we go. Feel free to ignore this rant and keep enjoying those smooth half-cab kickflip noseslides.

Yes, it is a cult, complete with arranged marriages, children being separated from their parents, military training, and a leader who lives large on mandatory donations from followers. Ask any actual Punjabi Sikh and they will tell you these white people in turbans with beards are just suckers who got recruited through yoga into a bastardized version of their religion.

I don’t know how deep he is in at this point. The progression is usually: do a lot of their specific brand of yoga, change your lifestyle to fit (vegetarian, sober), then start wearing the costume (beard, turban, etc.), advance further in the group through ‘teacher training’, get a new name, move into or near the ashram, work for one of the business owned by the group, and on and on. Obviously some of these things can be good (yoga isn’t inherently bad, sobering up can be very good for some) but the structure completely is designed to make those at the top wealthy and protected from abuses inflicted on their followers, especially children born into the cult.
One can see how folks ‘at coachella into Yoga, astral shit, and wearing a vishnu necklace for a summer’ are ripe for the picking to take it to the next level. But it isn’t actual Sikhism. It’s an American cult based on Sikhism.

PJ (I’m actually surprised he hasn’t been assigned a new name yet) can do whatever he wants. I’m glad he is still skating and doesn’t appear to be recruiting new converts.

He’s now also changed his name to Anantjeet on Insta…