Pointless Topics

don’t get me wrong, original two movies are absolute classics but at least the new one tried to bring something different to the table. it was entertaining

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I thought it was good too

Crashes are savage.

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i mean…surely the first guy saw that massive lake coming and didn’t think he’d be able to get through it

Innit! The road wasn’t a river on the other side.

That really is daft

OOOOF! Second guy slides for so long! I’ve taken some slams riding home on a road bike, stick to a MTB these days. Those conditions are ridiculous, surely no one had a good time?!

Is there some sort of blocker I can install on my browser that removes every instance of “I mean” at the start of a sentence? I’ve never seen any occurrence where you couldn’t just use the same sentence without the “I mean” and get the same intent. It performs no function. It’s like the modern use of “literally” and “to be honest”. Just stop it, you fucking stupid fucks.

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OOF, i’m not actually sure if I do this, but I have a feeling I have done. :frowning:

I mean do you? You literally shouldn’t to be honest.

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To be honest I reckon I have done, I mean, I think I literally have done this before, and this makes me sad.

Sentences were it goes some what like this? ‘I mean if you want to look like a dickhead, then by all means do it…’

I usually use it if I’ve over explained something to the point where the point has been lost, then re-explain it in one sentence like I should of from the start.

Removing the “I mean” would not change the meaning or intent of that sentence, the “I mean” is just extra flannel

Oh Jesus Christ

Worst has to be, “I’m sorry, but…” because it immediately translates as “I’m sorry I’m so smart and you can’t understand, but…”

People saying “To be honest…” suggests that any time they speak without that qualifier, they’re talking shite.




Similar can be said about “to be fair”.
That one really grinds my gears.


Just for you sweet cheeks, always x

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Thought so x
heh heh

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Oh, and “all of a sudden”.
Tell me, what is half of a sudden?
The word is “suddenly”.