Pointless Topics

“At this moment in time”. Rather than at this moment at a different time, or at this time but a different moment?

“Minimalistic”, rather than ‘minimal’. Wasn’t sure if that was an art term but I spoke to Jameses Jarvis and Thompson and they seemed to agree.


Haha, when someone says ‘kind of’ then explains something totally different. So it was nothing like that at all?

Can we all agree that anyone that uses 110% is a conch.


YES this is a really annoying one. Why not just say “now”?
“Going forward”… why not just say “from now on”, like we all used to say before folk started talking like morons

Am going to leave this thread.


Just wanted to touch base to ensure you’re getting the optimal experience.

Feel free to reach out and see if I can action something.


Mind if we park this? I want to bounce some ideas around, re: low-hanging fruit.


I use it all the time, to say that something is totally opposite / wrong to what the person was talking about.

I mean it’s getting silly now you’re just aiming for quick wins but you’re in the right ballpark so to speak


If you just have a play with it…

“On accident” is due to arrive here pretty soon…


So much to unpack here

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Blue sky thinking is still hard to beat in buzzwords that mean nothing.

That’s alot of annoying phrases in one place.

I know you’re not a fan builda, but I love this kind of rant

I say “Like” all the time.

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My beef is with people typing this shit. Speaking is different. Although if you actually said “I mean” at the start of every sentence I’d have to end the conversation politely and walk away.

As much as Andrew Reynolds?

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‘Skit’ is literally the right name. ‘Sketch’ came way later, when TV came around, I’m sure. ‘Skit’ is hundreds of years old.

Brian Limmond’s fake accent is so annoying… Likewise shoehorning in “fuck” as often as possible. I guess that’s what he thinks people outside Glasgow think Glaswegians sound like. Same as Frankie Boyle.

Meanwhile Kevin Bridges sold out 17 nights at the SSE Hydro arena, because he’s actually funny.

My managers have been trying to find a new supplier for our web services, almost every day I hear “Let’s get them in for a beauty parade.” along with allll these other cliches, “That’s a quick win.” being another.

My manager is one of these people that serves very little purpose and just has meetings for the sake of it whenever possible. I also have to undertake a few training courses a year which is cheaper if you attend with a colleague so I let her decide the courses, we did: “Being brilliant” and “How to deal with difficult people” I learnt absolutely nothing, but have a certificate saying I’m officially brilliant.

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