Pointless Topics

Maybe that was where Mike first got the taste for running a brand for six months before having it collapse.


TV and Television were def two seperate companies.
albeit with the exact same people.

i kind of need an interview with the guy that got the go ahead on the leather vest.


Is that why he was pushing down the street really fast? Escaping the scene of the crime

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Haha, yes I guess he could’ve been trying to escape Ed for stealing his money but it could just as easily been Jason Lee chasing him for stealing his girlfriend, (now Mike V’s wife - the sandwich lady).


Was Blue Ed Templeton? Or was that Chris Pastras?

That’s the sort of business longevity that Markovich can only dream of.


Chris Pastras and Jason Lee, pre-cursor to Stereo.


Two different companies with the same people and basically the same name. Sounds more like a vape shop than a skateboard company.


Wait, I forgot this fella was on.


Mike V then had another short lived company called Transit straight after iirc? I know someone who got asked to be U.K. flow for it and turned it down, haha.

Ed T outright says that Mike V nicked his TV pay check in his Epicly Later’d which just got re uploaded.


It’s in this bit

TV was through Brad Dorfman (Vision), Television was some random investor

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Blue was as well iirc.

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Also Mike V on 10k a month at World really speaks about the time and where the money was. If he was getting 10k a month just off board royalties, imagine what Rocco was making.

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super niche question time but what was the third dorfman company at the same time as blue and tv?

Idk about timelines but wasn’t Acme originally out of the Dorfman ‘camp?

i believe it was, that and channel one. wasn’t thinking about that though.

Go on Judith - which one? 60/40 was through John Fallahee right? So not that…

Not the nearly happened Lotti company was it?

From the Vert is Dead blog , Feb 10 2012.

‘’ TV was started after they both left the New Deal. It was backed by Brad Dorfman at Vision. TV did not last long, as Ed and Mike joined with Dean Christal of Zero Two and changed the name to Television. Television was around for even less time than TV. ‘’


The Other Level which had Mike Crum and Chris Gentry.
All vert team was a bold move, didn’t stick around for long.