Pointless Topics

Ok I get it.


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Does anyone use cbd supliments for pain management?
My mum ha suddenly had a bad bout of sciatica and for some reason me and her can’t take Codeine as it doesn’t agree with us and she can’t take ibuprofen either.
She could do with some relief so I suggested cbd and she’d be up for it but I’m not in the know at all with this stuff. She did try some holland and Barret balm My brother gave her but didn’t do a thing but I guess Holland & Barret will have fairly weak stuff over the counter.
Anyone have any advice please?

fair. She packed up smoking due to heart issue other wise she’d probably be happy to have a go with that route ha.

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Just got back from the dentist. She told me I grind in my sleep. Literally. This meme was the only thing keeping me going whilst in the chair

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Some absolute wanker has put a dogshit bag in my empty food bin caddy. My problem now I guess. Bastard.


Saw a Radiohead merch post on insta and it reminded me that I had a brief and friendly interaction with thom yorke at southbank.
Which in turn led me to think of this list:
‘Famous’ people I’ve bumped into and chatted to briefly while out skating:
At southbank:

  1. Colin Firth
  2. Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Liam Neeson’s son in love actually)
  3. Thom Yorke
  4. Noel Clarke - at the double road gaps Casper recently did Ollie, shove it, backside flip at.
  5. Lee Ryan from blue, whilst unsuccessfully trying to flip 5 oh a tiny handrail

Has anyone had any random encounters with celebs whilst at a spot? We’re they into the session?


Not skating but I was running in Vancouver and Owen Wilson passed me riding his bike. Gave me a head nod.

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/end thread

Did he have a good push?

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The then President of Switzerland came to my local indoor skatepark (the one I help running) a few years ago as his kid wanted to skate there. I wasn’t there but my mate told me he was really sound and very normal.
Last year he went to the Street Parade which is pretty much the biggest rave in the world, in Zürich. Great politician and rad guy, I wish he was still part of the Federal Council.


I was skating birdshit banks with Pete king in about 1993 and who was there on a photoshoot? None other than legendary comedian Gary wilmott.

Do I win £5?


My wife hears the name Gary Wilmot and she pictures these two.

I hear Gary Wilmot, I think…



oh, the importance of matching snacks!

For some reason I fancied trying spicy bbq pringles and they’re great but they have totally overpowered my tuna sandwich. It’s just texture now.

On the night of the Almost premiere in 2005ish, me and some friends were drunkenly skating through Soho afterwards and bumped into Simon Amstell coming out of an adult cinema. I have vague memories of asking him “What’ve you been doing in there?” quite loudly to the point of drawing attention from passers by.


This was after drunkenly telling Daewon that he’s done nothing relevant since Love Child.


I’ve told this before but Finchey from the office / the witch at Stockwell, just bought his son the most useless and massive longboard


Ulrika Jonsson & then Gladiator boyfriend ‘Hunter’ (according to Google) at Albert Square, Manchester - he looked genuinely disgusted by the whole concept of skating ha


You don’t get as many celebs hanging around the streets in the midlands.

On a side tangent. Ordered 5 carrots in our Tesco delivery. Look at the size of them!


Sheltered life here. Saw John Caudwell before Christmas at Caudwell Children. That’s it… :expressionless:

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I once misjudged ollieing up a curb on Deansgate in Manchester and slammed right at John Hurt’s feet, he asked me if I was alright and I said ‘Yes thanks you’re John Hurt’
The missed opportunities for comedic wordplay have haunted me ever since