Pointless Topics

I soooo wish I could find a pair of jeans that

  • fit me
  • look good
  • are comfortable to skate in

I’ve pretty much given up at this point.

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I just bought a couple of pairs of cargo joggers from Uniqlo because my car harts have lost there elasticity in the waist and the drawstring is twice too long and annoying (think dangles into the toilet bowl long…). Uniqlo are pretty decent and have never let me down.

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Almost did the same thing. Those adds have been stalking me for a few weeks now. Picked up some champion cargos the other day that are decent if you don’t mind cuffed bottoms.

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I bought two of pairs of shorts from them a couple of years ago thanks to recommendations from here. I really like them so might have to try a pair of these trousers one day.

Ha! I have an ‘old man shouts at cloud’ type relationship with cuffed bottoms.

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Can recommend Bershka cargo pants, £29. Soft, baggy in the right places, thick enough to survive skating in.

More :man_facepalming::


I’m sure Uniqlo offer free alterations on trousers in store.

I’ve just got some wide leg pleated pants from them, perfect fit with a bit of stretch in the waistband. Dream trou

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Anyone know who’s skating at Glastonbury this year?
Lineup says there’s still a ramp in the Greenpeace field like there always was, with a “pro demo” but I haven’t been since the heady days of A4 sponsorship, Andy Scott and Woody and Ben Grove and spliffs

Actually I’ve answered my own question, it’ll be Grove-with-top-off one-man-demo won’t it


I know Hallford and Decunha have been doing the festival circuit for the past few years. They were both just at Download.

You going then?

Yeah, I genuinely don’t want to but I am doing so I’m just going to have to test out how a five day bender works for me these days.
I’ve been many many times before, but not for about 12 years. I know I always used to think that it doesn’t matter who’s playing, it’s not about that because you’ll have a good time anyway, but my god the lineup is shite this year
Paid a fortune for some vip van camping area so if I really can’t stand it I can just sit in the van and watch it all on my laptop with a herbal tea and a doobie


First time I went was 1992 when I was 19. Three of us hitched down there on acid, walked right in with hundreds of other folk as the ‘fence’ was so minimal that you could just walk through the gaps. Got seperated from my mates within a couple of hours, didn’t see them again til the Sunday. Saw Lou Reed, Television and Fishbone. Found a bumbag on the floor containing £20, a pipe and an eighth. Blagged a lift back home with a van full of crusties.

This year I’m driving down in my luxurious van to a VIP camping area with showers and flushing toilets, and Shania Twain is playing.


I planned to do that around the same time, maybe 93, but once we’d got all the drugs together we just ended up doing them at my mate’s flat instead.


93 was a good one as I recall, Velvet Underground (disappointing), Johnny Cash (wish I’d paid more attention but he was just that old guy on my dad’s cassettes), The Orb (acid), Primal Scream, Stereo MCs, Ozrics and Gong etc etc
I think The Fall played that year? I remember Mark E Smith wearing dull trousers and brown shoes and berating everyone


Went in 98 paid the people on the gate £10 and they stamped our hand and let us in.
They played the Euro matches on big screens, pretty normal line for the 90s. Apart from Robbie shitty Williams being there!?
Rained before we could set up a tent, it was already a swamp. Had to walk around for 48 hours in mud (apart from brief sit downs), didn’t need drugs, as lack of sleep and exhaustion sent me on a bad one!

Ha I was there that year & pretty much same experience - Primal Scream played after the England Vs Columbia game I think? Everything was drenched.

It’d stopped raining by the time Herbie Hancok’s Head Hunters played on the Sunday, they were good. Left after that, no sleep for four nights in those conditions was a bit rough.


10/10, would read again.


Going to Krankenhaus again this year, mostly full of other 6 music dads high on real ale. The extent of any privation last year was that the showers were, if anything, a bit too warm.


This is amusing and extremely irritating at the same time. For apparently no reason whatsoever I woke up this morning with the theme from ‘The Return of The Saint’ playing on loop in my head ad infinitum. Been up for 3 1/2 hours by this point and no let up, it’s still going…



Not interesting enough for insta thread:
