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I didnā€™t even mention the firework twats. Could find loads more I hate if you want me to go on?

Iā€™ve also just worked a 13hr shift and been paid for 12.


Halloween is weird as fuck. It celebrates fuck all.
My little girl wants to dress up as the girl from Harry Potter. When did it become OK to dress up as something not scary? Weā€™re not in California weā€™re in Sheffield!

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Halloween is growing in popularityā€¦it makes me wonder if it will one day eclipse Christmas and thereby represent the replacement of Christian values and traditions with those of the secular and dare I say Satanic?

Do people actually celebrate it? We put a pumpkin outside but thatā€™s it. Never get any kids knocking on the door either.

Pagan. The festival I mean

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Mainly people dressing up as sexy zombie, sexy Freddie Kruger etc

Canā€™t beat a sexy burnt kiddy fiddler.


Yeah of course. Also itā€™s not really gonna eclipse Christmasā€¦Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve heard Americans spend over $1 trillion or something mad like that on Christmas.

Thereā€™s an ad in Viz for Halloween landfill, must be the biggest plastic tat festivalā€¦


Followed closely by the music festival season

Fuck them firework twats.


I donā€™t mind fireworks for one night, but itā€™s almost constant from the 5th November until 1st January. Scares the cats and my son hates them too.

Same. Fatcat fucking hates them. I know its going to be a week of mopping up catpiss from firework night

In this thread, miserable fucks who donā€™t like other people enjoying themselves


Exactly. My enjoyment and comfort is paramount


Halloween makes no sense to me. It didnā€™t even exist here until the biggest retailers realized they could make money off it about ten years ago. It has nothing to do with local traditions yet everybody seems to think itā€™s so cool now. Iā€™m far from being a nationalist or anything like that but I think itā€™s really weird to see how American weā€™re all turning here.

I drew this last night and posted it on Insta this morning tagging and thanking the biggest chain stores in the country for celebrating capitalism. Yeah Iā€™m quite a rebel.

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Depends if the other people are enjoying themselves incredibly noisily at 3am every night for a month though.


Iā€™d rather celebrate a pagan holiday and trying to blow up the government than the others, haha.


Halloween is the best holiday. Fuck Christmas

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