
Did them Dime half cabs come and go already?

Got released yesterday in most shops I think!


The Blue & White were released in select skate shops (got some from Welcome, Leeds) but the pink and grey were only on Dime Online. Set my alarm for 5am, had them in the basket and by the time I got through all of the ‘are you a robot’ bits, they were sold out at checkout. Fucked. I don’t know what bots are but they’re really annoying.

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I’ve only just seen about the pink and white while searching for the blue numbers.
Fuck it might pull the trigger on resale for them.

Damn only just saw the salmon pink ones and the hi-vis ones too! They look well good.

Just noticed that the horrible little promo loop on the Axion site has the words “Guess who’s back? Back again” on it.

Shady’s back indeed.


Glad I didn’t buy those Mariano’s look at this shit


I know it’s the Nine Club but Jeron mentions he just talked to Guy about the shoe coming out… hmmm.

“Rollin with the homies” beautifully illustrated by two of their mates’ sisters looking confused.

This looks like every other clueless new attempt at an Instagram brand.

Everybody got their emails in for The Black Collection (dropping 1.11)?

Be warned: explicit content! Shiiiit!

Someone should hire this guy.

I think I’ll swerve those.

Classic mosher clogs



Who buys Creature and thinks, “yeah, that 50s style Dafont typeface is a winner. I love how their graphics are always a hi-viz gradient on black with some zombie/vampire/Hammer horror baddie graphic?” They have some good skaters, but their overall aesthetic and brand is just woefully ugly and shite.

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The halloween push, huh?

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These are absolutely hideous.