
I never took any of the shit, only the good stuff!

Have these been discussed yet? I think if you’d described them to me without pictures they’d be my dream shoe but, like most of my best ideas, they look a bit shit in real life.

(Mostly referring to the foxing/sidewall)


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Yeah bad. Right ingredients, wrong measurements.

they look like the knock offs you get in Primark sorry

I really like the color ways a lot, and the overall idea, but any shoe that laces through the logo is a na from me it’s just a shoe rule I can’t look past, there’s some lakais that came out recently that lace through the logo, same deal love the color ways and idea but just can’t vibe with it

They look SHIT

Where the fuck has good shoe design/colourways gone

It’s like with music and design, so much of it is going to ‘talented youth’ that actually can’t design or make decent music (that becomes timeless or classic). Was talking to @Londonskater about similar topic the other day.

They. Just. Look. Shit.


As H Palmer says, they look like the Primark ones which are massively popular so maybe Vans thought all those people would be up for paying ten times the price for something equally as shit - but genuine.

The primark ones are better.


I’m a fan of Vans and a lot of what they do, but I agree here.

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Shit is the new cool though, we’re just too old for it. Especially when it’s Gosha-related.


While we’re on the Vans subject I started skating my halfcabs yesterday and damn am I happy with them I was honestly worried about the break in but they seem to flick scoop and grip superbly and I forgot how much support and comfort a mid top can give you, I haven’t skated a pair of mids since fallens where big in like 2009

Corduroy daps.
So, slippers.

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I actually like those, as slippers. Or maybe for work if I’m feeling funky.

Got some of the Raemers Cons ages ago and had them delivered to my parents to avoid any marital hassles on shoe collection acreage.
Tomorrow they slip into the rotation as a parental birthday ‘present’. Chuuuuffed.


Cant get on with chukkas the unstructured side always folds really weirdly round my ankle and feels gross. That and the width means they always rambo at the top eyelet.


Chukkas are wide and horrible to skate, shoes need to curve around the side of your foot and they don’t do that at all.

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I had some chukkas about 10 years ago when vans pushed the whole rerelease of them quite hard. Had some low version of them which were ok to skate, but not great and some highs which did not register in any part of my brain as potential skate shoes