
Decided never to shop at Slam again when they did this. Never go full Skatehut.

It’s not the slam city content I’m looking for. I’d rather give my money to skate shops that don’t do videos on bushings.

Yeah alright. :slightly_frowning_face:

The fuck are you on about?! Do you think every single beginner is imbued with knowledge about bushings and trucks? Moreso, who buys the kid their first board? The parents, who then often have to help sort it out for them, or at least point them in the right direction. If it stops a kid watching a Revive vid, then great.


I gripped my first board since getting back into it properly 2.5 years ago and a black sheep video was useful. Tonnes of those videos but rather watch one from a good independent skate shop, rather than Revive. I see no harm in these tutorials for new skaters.

Is this not the kind of stuff a skateshop should be doing though, teaching people how to sort out their equipment? Feels pretty legit?

There’s definitely better reasons to choose not to shop at Slam.

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There’s absolutely nothing offensive about that bushings video.


Let’s link our shoes to a totally unrelated film. Also, those shoes are honking.

A film that is 100% associated with another shoe brand.

Current Axion is like Brewster’s Millions, it’s like they have to fuck it up by any means necessary, but clueless kids are probably still buying it. Actual Axion made some seriously stinking shoes too, let’s not forget. Those first three (four?) were the shit but then it went downhill rapidly.


Let’s also link it to a film which arguably was where Nike imprinted their logo and shoe design into an entire generation of kids who would never ever forget it.
The generation spending, right now.

That’s really short sighted.


D3 rip-offs - the (sorry) saga continues.

Disgusting in every respect, and they missed a trick by not upping the price by a further £6 for that authentic extreme skateboarder vibe, (growls and throws up the double horns).


Nah those guys are OG. They’ve been in the game since '20.


I’m out of the loop. Only just received the notification this morning…

It’s got a link to a day in the life with Evan Mock and everything. Really brightened up my morning. (Unsubscribing right now).

As well as being ugly and offensively expensive, they look like a fucking trip hazard, which is exactly what a shoe isn’t supposed to be.

You’re not supposed to move when somebody takes your picture, so that probably doesn’t matter.

They look dope, see…

If you read the blurb then it’s clear they know their shit. Oh, hang on, actually, no, it’s clear they don’t know they’re shit.

Yeah they really match that suit :man_facepalming:

Perfect for this lot


I’m glad I don’t know who Evan Mock is, but this sentence cringed me to my very core: ‘Free-wheeling dudes with their sun-scorched hair, sharks teeth around their necks, hanging out on beaches around the world’

Fido Dido vibes


The guy can skate , (this mini loop to switch thing was all over for a bit a couple of years back) and he is doing what he likes and getting paid to boot I guess, but still…