
“… lace up and wear as if actual Adidas” :grinning:


Nice one! Forgot it was Keyboard Money Mark’s bit

The whole of issue 2 is here if you want a refresher: Grand Royal issue #2 | Flickr


Haha - this is cool. I quite fancy making a cardboard cowboy hat.

Reading back up the thread, there was a mag (by the Beasties) called Grand Royal?

I’ll have to get a Google on and see if I can find out more.

Edit: Cheers for the link in your next post Hadenough!


I’m no fashion cricket, but OOF! :nauseated_face:


Those Adidas are clown shoes. No two ways about it. Clown shoes.


Fucking Awesome is and always will be one of the shittiest brands around, this is merely further evidence.

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I think FA is rad, and these shoes existing don’t interfere with my life so I don’t really care too much, but they’ve got a pretty awful track record with shoes, going way back, and this is one of the worst. Gold plastic logos glued to shoes isn’t my thing at all.

Each to their own, I just think the name itself sounds like it’s desperate to shock or stand out and even aside from that I’m just not into the graphics.

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So odd that AVE is this gnarly, stylish guy, his Vans clothing collections have always been great IMO, same as his shoes, his video parts are awesome, and then FA just seems to be the polar opposite… when Dill first did the FA stickers it was kinda funny, having one on your board is non offensive as you can’t really see it, but the name, logo, graphics, even the videos just do nothing for me, just walking around with “Fucking Awesome” across your chest seems like something 15 year olds would love…

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The majority of skaters are 15.

As bad as FA is, Hockey might be even worse.

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I almost prefer Hockey, mostly because of the team, and because that one kid on FA just reminds me of this guy:

Feel like AVE would fit better on Hockey, when FA is his company…

Axion Aries anyone?

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Switch AVE, Berle and Louie over to Hockey, and take Caleb, Ben K and K-Rod to FA. Would make so much more sense to me.

I know it’s all the same anyway but still. Hockey’s team would be so so good with that line up.



Love them! Who started that brand?

Tony Rone (Ferguson)

Rone seems like Hrs, but actually delivering.

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His concept is quite interesting, a premium shoe nodding to well known silhouettes, a bit like Hender Scheme stuff, but skate. I’m into it.