

Did anyone not get on with ventures?

Broke 3 sets.

Skated ventures for years and years. Loved the coloured ones.

I’ve ridden Indys since about 92-ish, but if I was going to change, it’d be Thunder or Venture (probably Thunder). Never seen a need to change, except when Indy made that really shitty one in the early 00 that wouldn’t turn properly (Stage 9?), but I stocked up on Stage 8s to get me through that patch.
I’m just comfortable with them, don’t have that Indy pride thing going on, and I don’t think changing them would make any difference to my skating.

Changing to Thunder will make a difference. They turn very very well.

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I’m a complete truck slag and i’ve ridden everything . Delta 2’s, venture, indy, unit phantoms, krux, royals, ace, thunder and now on a set of film trucks. they all turn and stuff once you get used to them. (apart from the delta 2’s, they didn’t turn for shit).


Whoa. Come on!

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Was that the awful Jamie Thomas brand?

Don’t think Jamie Thomas had anything to do with this! It was a Grind King spin-off.

Pretty sure The Chiefs brand was Force Trucks.

They might but they make noseslides and tailslides harder.

Shoe thread has gone downhill.


I have never needed to ride all the trucks, people around me have tried them all and I can judge from that.
I started with second hand street shadows then Deadbolts for a bit then first decent modern setup had Venture Featherlites. Since then it’s been Thunder then Royals now back to Thunder after buying Hugo’s setup. Still riding these Dylan thunders.

Found them.

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Not GTS, but OK.


Yep. Hoping for a black/grey/yellow here.