Spolier thread…So don’t carry on if you haven’t seen it.
New one is basically a 5-10 minute flashback which they’ve dragged into a 45 min entire episode.
There is one big plot point at the end which is almost glazed over in a jog to finish the episode.
Really bad episode, writing, acting, production and just so boring. Yep it could have been told better in flashbacks and would have looked better in short snippets.
The biggest head scratcher for me is that Anakin was a nine-year-old when he met Qui-Gon and thought to old to train… the twins look older… in-fact does it even say they’re 11? Or am I remembering that wrong? Oh they don’t have a father too, they’re just born from the force or similar like Anakin sigh
Jedi can just test all children by law and take them to train, but the Jedi don’t take children, we’re going to take your child!
Haha… yeah also in the last two episodes they were force grabbing people mid fall like it was nothing but in this one it was so life or death when Osha slipped and he was holding on. It was just bad.
Reading all these comments and spoilers, I’m not even going to bother.
Working my way through all 9 films Star Wars with the kids. Just finished episode 2 (5). It’s kind of funny rewatching it all because there are some good elements I never picked up on, and then there is some proper shit that’s still shit, in other words Jar Jar Binks character.
I really don’t want to keep watching it, but I have a curiosity now to see if it can get worse. Episode 4 didn’t necessarily get worse, but it didn’t make me feel anything. Acting, dialogue/dialogue delivery was bad. The editing and pacing is all over the place, too.
They quickly had to go rewrite canon retrospectively, changing Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age. The guy who also says “The Sith are extinct, they have been for nearly a millennium…” just a 100 years later in The Phantom Menace.
It’s such a blatant disregard for the Star Wars story again. It’s honestly the worst at this point.
IMHO Star Wars need to chill out on these spin offs. Stick to the ones which work or work really hard to bring something new and exciting to the table. I’m stoked for new andor and could easily watch more mandolorian. The rest is forgettable.
As someone who works in the industry and seeing the billions going down the pan with all the flops and failures , studios really need to put the brakes on the legacy productions.
Takings are down and the money for new projects have lead to huge cut backs and complete cancellations. There’s so much debt in the big studios right now.
It will only get worse if they think they can keep milking major legacy’s with sub standard productions who do what they want .
There’s defo superhero and Star Wars/sci fi fatigue, needs to cool off and have a rethink with an emphasis on original content over remakes or adaptations. The evidence at box office and streaming views should be a warning shot to the studios. Bloody hope they sort it as much of the industry is still out of work unfortunately.
It’s honestly obscene how much they’ve spent on this to make something so bad and lacking in polish.
While Boba Fett was just a segway into Mando season 3 and lets not mention the scooter gang again, there were some genuinely interesting parts, the background of the Tusken Raiders, Slave-1 bearing down on the pirates, a big daft Rancor having a benny
Acolyte is just bad acting, uninteresting plot and pacing, obvious twists that literally slap you in the face and they end up pointing the camera at uninteresting pointless story points when there are lightsaber battles happening.
It does make you wonder what secrets Hedlund has from her days as Weinsteins PA to be able to get away with this
Talking to a mate about this, we’re already saying that this will end up with some sort of Darth Plagius link at the end, I’ve floated the idea that the mother of the two main characters will end up being alive and maybe even Plagius
It has character and plot and interesting side stories running along side the main one. Andor and Mon Mothma could be in the same room and have no clue they are on the same side. How the Empire works and those characters have their own stories going on too. It just deeper on levels the other ones can’t touch.
Mando does side missions, Boba Fett relied heavily on flash backs. Where as Obi-Wan, The Acolyte and Ahsoka are all very one dimensional in their story telling. They are just about getting from point A to point B in the story, with not much else going on but the main plot which then includes so much filler to make up for lack of anything else going on and gets boring.
I can’t steal my ex’s password for Disney+ now so I like this kind of opinion, I don’t feel any need to watch any more star wars now, i’m good with that. Mando was fun enough to accept the siliness and watched Andor which was good. Obi wan I managed 1 ep, Boba got a boring and don’t need to do any more.
Cheers everyone!