
Was your missus pregnant, or is somebody somewhere missing a daughter now?

Either way, good work!!


Donā€™t matter which its all about the end result!


yeah iā€™ve got two black cats, one from cats protection and the other from a car boot in ireland

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Heā€™s not quite pure black, seems to have some grey on his front legs. Thereā€™s tabbys in the same litter so I think heā€™s got a bit of that in him as well. I love black cats generally, donā€™t mind any really, though Except ginger ones often seem a bit grumpy but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s nice ones too. I donā€™t know how true it is but I remember reading that people donā€™t like black ones because they donā€™t photograph as well.

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Congrats maynnnnn!

And congrats to the wife too! Send Snurpā€™s greetings xx

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Dude!! Congratulations mate

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Cheers guys! Also hyped that in sharing a post about her arriving we inadvertently raised Ā£130 and counting for charity


Congrats man!

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Thatā€™s a lovely name!


What, people are getting paid to post on here?

Iā€™m still waiting for some sort of recourse on me pointing out folks are talking about forges in the stoked thread. Nothing. Was months ago too.


Its entirely possible I missed a joke in here but if not: we had a rough time with miscarriages before getting pregnant with our daughter and were surprised with how little it was discussed in relation to how common it was. The post had an option to tag a charity that work specifically to support parents which I did to signpost people that might find it useful and it turns out it was setting up a donation link which people have generously donated to.


That makes more sense.
Good work.

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Had a proper skate this morning.

Thereā€™s about 5 skateparks now around where I grew up skating.

@BDF Gotta meet up when youā€™re allowed out again lol


You still out in West London? Osterley way?

To the forum meet up thread!

Iā€™m moving next week, reunion tour

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Right now I am but Iā€™m moving to Windsor in a month or so.

I am keen to skate anywhere though.

Oooh Windsor has a random metal prefab skatepark but someone added a lovely concrete ledge and manual pad later! Some decent skating round there weirdly enough

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Windsor is nice. Spent 2 years there.

Saw my first taps aff of the year today. Possibly the earliest sighting ever.
Good times.