
I’ve basically decided I’m never commuting ever again.

I’ll travel for clients if I need to, do the odd day in the office here and there if I feel like it or if there’s a meeting that would be better in person. I’ll go on fridays for beers sometimes. But I’m never going back to a regular daily commute, it’s been proven not to be needed.


Currently working from home in my ‘old job’ but that’s just to support myself while I’m back at university doing a second degree (mathematical economics) in order to change career. Hoping to do a MSc in something related this autumn. So, I don’t know yet what exactly my job will be, but if I land something sick then I might be able to afford a mortgage by myself here.

Like, it’s mad - even with a job paying, say hypothetically, ~ £65K: for a single buyer, that gets you absolutely fuck all down here in terms of a corresponding mortgage.

Saying that, I may (but realistically wouldn’t) sell my soul for a few years and work as a quant for an investment bank. They make absurd money.

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Waiting for the government’s mortgage guarantee to come in April. We set ourselves up to save for a 15% then it dropped to 10% and now we roughly have a 5% deposit. Luckily where we live is cheap, still doesn’t make it any easier though. We’ve spoken to a broker and the 2 lenders that offer 95% mortgages at the moment won’t lend us as much as I hoped. So depending on what happens with the guarantee scheme we might just take what we can get to get our foot in on the ladder and hopefully be able to overpay and then move in a few years.

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Thanks pal!

Ah, warm(er) weather on the way

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Looks like I’ll be making another early work exit on Tuesday

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It’s absolutely blowing a hooly here and pissing it down.


Same here. Forecast next week is good though.

Was just about to leave the house with little man. Found some fresh unmixed coloured play dough.

Gripped my first deck today (yeah in about 15 years of on and off skating). Stoked! Was kinda relaxing doing the whole thing, apart from the bit where you can’t tell if the logo is wonky or your wheel is not spinning straight haha. Bring on the maiden scoot.


Made my first wood fired bbq in ages


Braw braai.

Slanting top step unnerves me

I only understand one of these words.

Yep, especially in the wet and after a few beers. I think the whole place is sinking a bit but at least it’s lining up with the sloping yard.

Went for a skate and didn’t break myself. Met some nice new people to who are not 100% moron too.
Did see my brother in law who is 99% moron.


Skated to the park with my lad on his scooter, pushed around did a kickflip then had a sausage roll. Probably the first time I skated in about 3 years. Didnt hate it.


Yeah, sausage rolls are great.


Is there a way I can just do the sausage roll part without the skating?


Hairs at the base and a dotted line emanating from the crown :joy:


had me jab yesterday, felt absolutely honking all night and barely slept so had the day off work, slept till 2pm then felt fine again. skatepark lights are back on for the first time since jan so heading down now :slight_smile: