
Jeez. What am I going to have to do to balance mine?


[quote=“anonymity, post:3797, topic:26, full:true”] it allows me to pay back my Karmic debt to society that I ran up by getting paid to talk about kickflips for 20 years whist everyone else did real jobs.

“Pushpin is as good as poetry”

Lost me there boss.

You might not have my Catholic mind.

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What is it with writers and Catholicism? You, Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene…

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It’s a Bentham (mis)quote. Basically, I was saying that there can be value in what you may see as a frivolous thing. There are thousands of us who are glad you did!


Thank you.

Utility trumps all I guess.

Stoked on a fascinating Wikipedia visit to Jeremy Bentham and utilitarianism.

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the reviews of Dune


Oh shit just checked damn I need this in my life right now. Sick!!

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Wanna see Dune so badly

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I got you bro.


That fsssssssshhh noise my shoe makes as I do a kickflip. The sound of success.

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making the effort to skate regularly again recently after drinking excessively since the Euros!! well worth it! :slight_smile: plus cutting back on the demon drink making things feel much easier and at home on the board!


Was puking my guts up over 2 weeks ago. Ever since I haven’t felt ‘right’ including just non-stop nausea (the sandwich thread has been especially tough). It’s like the feeling you have when you’ve done 6 sambucas and you know if you do any more you might spew but if you stop drinking anything you will be fine.

Just had 2 chewy gaviscon and instantly feel better. Feel like a right tit to not try anything for so long but feels so good to not be dreading dinner again.

Lot of reflux/gall issues in my family so think I’m entering that age now.

get an intolerance test and cut out some of the shit it tells you to.
Although you are probably already on that, didn’t you say your missus has done all that because of Celiac?

Yeah she is. We’ve been eating like absolute shit for a long time though.

What I think kicked it off was having a bit of a bish special of a just eat I had when I had the house to myself for the first time ever. Had fried chicken burger, about 10+ fat fried onion rings, chips and fried chicken wings. Possibly got a bit of food poisoning there and haven’t shaken it.

The whole evening bedtime routine just takes ages atm. We eat at half 8 at best at the moment and we’re eating really gross stuff like roast chicken and frozen chips. Whatever we have we just cook it all in the oven. Haven’t pan fried or boiled anything in a long time.

Were going to go over how we’re going to get back on to cooking actual food and eating loads more vegetables because it’s definitely not helping.

I’ve seen you shouldn’t eat 3 hours before bed. Got 0% chance of doing that.

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I can recommend peppermint oil pills for digestive issues. It’s the main ingredient in things that are prescribed for IBS. It’s not a magic cure but can help if you’re experiencing bad guts or have a iffy stomach.

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Obviously I’m not a doctor, but it sounds like

Get more fresh fruit, veg and home-made salads into you. Eating a good deal earlier will give you more time to digest your food properly - lying down after food will always make your stomach feel terrible.

Yeah man we write down a little list of meals and make a weekly meal plan. That way we don’t need to ask the dreaded question ‘what will we have for dinner?’ as we will both know. And then you can prep a little bit at a time in the run up to cooking it all every evening

Totally depends on how hectic it all is though of course