

Recommended daily intake of carbs is 30g. A pint of B&J cookie dough has 127g. That’s a lot of sugar.

Anyway, the idea of drinking a pint of liquid dairy makes me feel gross

My dad used to drink a pint of milk with 2 raw eggs cracked in every day. Think he saw it in Rocky.

A lot of people I grew up with drank pints of milk thinking about it. I did grow up on a dairy farm though.

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We used to have old fashioned milk deliveries and I’d drain a bottle every morning before school when I was about 13 or 14. I dread to think how much it cost my folks.

Pint of milk, 2tbsp peanut butter, 2 scoops weight gainer, 1 banana, 1 tbsp olive oil, sprinkle of flax/chia seeds, all blended up. Has to be kind of chewed.

Did that for about 3 months and put on over 5 kilos before stopping because my arse kept pranking me.

Biebeling hard.

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A six pack of Mountain Dew, a box of Pop-Tarts, a banana and a vitamin everyday.

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When I was in school (sixth form) I’d often have one of my dad’s Stella’s and make an 8 rasher bacon sandwich. I was a fucking pencil too.

I think it turned out it was because I skated about 5 hours a day rather than any gifted metabolism.


I used to eat a pot of green & blacks choc ice cream in one go pretty regularly. Adding in raspberries and honey

Next Generation and Feasters will forever remind me of skiving school and eating Pop Tarts in my mum’s living room watching them when Pop Tarts were just new. Or when they made it to the shitty town I lived in at least.


I regularly drink a pint of milk. The issue with a pint of icecream is the sugars in it

Too true.

Drinking milk like that is so stinking.

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BJ’s cookie dough carton in one sitting is so standard.


Bunch of fat brians in here


Bunch of absolute pussies in here too.


You skaters think you’re all hard drinking your water and milk.


I used to make a pint milkshake out of Cornish ice cream topped up with milk pretty much every day for years when I was a teenager.

Can happily cane a time of twiglets in one sitting. Think I did 2 in one day (boxing day) once


It’s like no-one on here has ever had a milkshake? Ice cream and milk, the larges are half a pint easy, right? Haha…

Ice cream, cream soda, and something else. That was always nice. Can’t remember the third ingredient.
