

  • Went street skating today at a pretty famous spot.
  • Got all giddy like a grom and bought two skate mags.
  • Took delivery of my absolute, there’s one, maybe two in world, grail earlier this week.
  • Pizza night with my two year old with a heap of UK skate forum inspiration.

Does anyone have any tips for actually being able to read a skate mag after Instagram has rotted your brain?


Take it to the toilet and have a nice long poo/read.


I read mine in the bath. Adds a danger element.


Landed first ever 180 no comply yesterday. I don’t know why I haven’t tried them before but it’s the first trick I’ve learned in 20 years and I’ve lost most the rest so pleasantly surprised even for a super basic trick.


Stoked. Theyre such a rad feeling and looking trick to do properly

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Internet in office down. Everyone sent home. Buzzing.


Saw @hugo gunna shred the local soon.

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Back from a weekend at Center Parcs. Good fun albeit a small fortune spent. Also picked up a Series X this afternoon, more fortunes spent.

Have plenty of not stoked, but can’t be arsed right now :+1:

Me too. Overpriced? Yes. But for my non-standard, non-nuclear family, it just works. Love it every time.

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Mate, it is great - we did archery, painted pottery, daughter learnt how to roller skate and went on those underwater fan towing things, son drove a small leccy car, we titted about playing tennis and spent about 5 hours in the big swimming pool dome as well. I got stuck on one of the slides - rapids - and couldn’t move for about a minute. Jeeze, felt like such a knob haha

Just a really nice weekend away from shite on the TV and to top it all I’m FUCKING KNACKERED :rofl:

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strawberry season :strawberry:

exstrawbinary flavourz etc

Unless, like me, you forgot to cover your strawberry plants over a couple of days ago and the local wildlife have munched all the good ones :joy:.

There are plenty more ripening though so I’ll be stoked in a few days.

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still, the local fuzzies probably think your house is the best thing ever at the moment


I got roped into making some props for a school play but I’ve got way too into it and have made working splurge guns for Bugsy Malone and it’s great fun. They’re going to make such a mess.


That’s so sick, how is it powered?

The splurge stuff comes in an aerosol can, it’s all just a fancy looking can holder and a lever trigger, little pipe goes from the nozzle of the can to the end of the barrel

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Got some nice ply for the top of a grind box im planning on outting together. Just need to scavinge some for the sides. Really dont want to pay for it though.

I saw Jawbox last night and they were so fucking good.

I nearly sacked off the gig as I was knackered but so glad I didn’t. If they were this good in 2022 they must have been incredible back in 1994.

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Spent Friday afternoon at a trampoline park with our daughter, had the whole place to ourselves. Amazing fun. Learned front flips. Absolutely knackering, though.


Been in the hospital on the hottest day of the year for an outpatients consultation and bloods with a mask on. Stoked to be outside again!