
My big toe just clicked.
Last time I managed that was about 6 years ago. I can remember it that well, I can date it.
Fuck, it feels so good.

I think it is arthritis, maybe? It always feels like if you click it, it’d just be free and loosen up. And I can never get it there.
It just happened of its own accord. So happy rn.


I’m now lying in bed trying to get my toes to click. Incredibly frustrated that nothing is happening.

Ah shit maybe Im fucked but I can click almost every joint. The tailbone is the best one


It’s just one toe - it only moves so far and it just always feels on the edge of clicking to release. There’s always a slight pain to it to touch, too…and it just will never click! And now it has it feels so free and there is zero pain.

Feels good this morning.



A few weeks ago i linked my fingers and put my hands behind my head then streached. I swear every joint in my fingers, hand and wrist clicked. It felt so good but i cant replicate the exact movements i made to do it. I’ll be chasing that for the rest of my life.


My big toe is really swollen as I got bitten by a mosquito last night. No skating today. Oh well.

Damn, I can click my toes incredibly easily. Feels so good after a long day in shoes.


I can sometimes and this has triggered me because fingers are easy.

Bought this today can’t wait to play.

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Bloody hell.

My body was pretty silent until I started with yoga years back, now my spine in particular sounds like cooking popcorn.

Randomly discovered that this was on Youtube again


Back from holiday. Yorkshire is nice.


Looks interesting. I’m moving near here so hoping it’s alright. Haven’t watched the vid yet it looks v academic (not that that’s a bad thing)

I hadn’t heard about this til today, Betong posted that they are involved which is good news

edit - a bit more here. waffle aside it might be a good legal skate spot


Don’t you normally go to tenby? I feel so betrayed.

Nah. That was Matt. The furthest that way ive been was the mumbles.

All is forgiven.

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I promise to suggest it next year.

Which bit did you go to?

Tenby is nice. I used to go to Castle Martin a lot with my last job so would usually be out drinking there on a weekend.

Getting built about two minutes from my house. Looks decent.


Feeling absolutely knackered, but stoked after what has been 3 weekends in a row of festivals and a spontaneous trip to London, plus getting back from London yesterday morning, to go straight back up to Brum to see Bright Eyes last night.

The London trip was dope since we hadn’t planned any skating really, just mainly to go stay and hang out with my friend who’s moved up there, but the weather turned out ok and we met up with my mukka from North Wales and the DC crew who are there for a week or so. I managed to film a line of Kevin Bilyeu as well.

Looking forward to hopefully getting 8 hours of sleep now, let me tell you.

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