
Congratulations to my favourite grom brother @h_palmer627 on spawning a new human yesterday and adding to my count of nieces and nephews.


Congratulations @h_palmer627 :tada: :tada: :tada:


Congrats @h_palmer627

Just launched the new website for work, still some tweaks being done today, ready for comms to go out tomorrow. The stress levels the last week have been manic, and I hope this turns the tide for my general mental health.


sounds interesting, is it nice? I don’t know what to imagine.

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Yer it’s very hard to describe. If you like the taste of a complex drink, without alcohol that isn’t a shitty non-alc wine or Prosecco then it’s the ticket!

Is it similar to Kombucha?

I’ve been promoted at work to Head of Film, finally able to tell everyone that we’re expecting a second baby in the spring, and UPS just dropped off my new Emericas.

So stoked!


Congrats mate! Good on you! My mrs got promoted so shes buying a takeaway tonight! Also fucking stoked!


I had my yearly performance review today and highballed asking for a promotion and my immediate boss said yes but we need to convince the money people still


Amazing! What’s for dinner?
I just tucked in to beans on toast to line my stomach before I hit the pub in an hour.

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Massive doner


That’s a British institution right there

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I tattooed Right Here Right Now on a geezer’s calf today (custom project), my friend who runs the tattoo studio posted it on her feed then Fatboy Slim commented on it and even reposted it in his stories saying it was the tattoo of the week. It’s all social media shit and not more than that but it makes me happy.


Sounds good to me Franc!

Thanks pal!

I’m in Newcastle today doing a market for my Mrs. Just minding the stall and this gadgie rocks up with his family and he was at the dadlands event. He said your the guy from Carlisle etc etc. Was cool encounter


I’m doing a market in Frome and got recognised by the mum of a girl I went to school with 21 years ago.


We went to another event we weren’t trading, and this woman in a thick geordie accent goes you’re f**king hilarious. Me and the Mrs turned round like who us? And she went yeh I follow you on Instagram. Was a bit weird but I suppose it’ll happen when you put yourself out there on social media.

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What’s your handle?

Mines same as my username on here. Mrs business is @flutterandfern

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