Pretty hard to delete a tattoo though. You’re onto a winner there.
I guessed as much.
The girl told me that I could post the photo and tag her before I even asked her about it but homeboy got all jealous/suspicious/whatever. No problem with Insta, somehow.
Whatever. No biggie. He’s gonna have to apologize (or get slapped) for insulting me though I suppose.
dm me pic
Been out skating in Boston. Cold but heavy good. The whole city is rad.
Now in a pub up the street from those ledges. I think the owner of the pub skates.
That is still the section i watch before a skate to get psyched!

dm me pic
Why do you want it?
Research purposes
I bet he will DM it to you if you commit to the same tattoo next time he’s in the UK.
Lovely skate stoppers!
Nice little snow fall last night. Hopefully some more on the way as it’s still snowing up the road.
If there’s more to life than watching terminator 2, in bed with a cup of tea, I’m yet to discover it.
Haha, I’d swop for The Terminator, but T2 is nice
You won’t believe how much shit I’ve had over 30+ years for that personal preference. Whatever. Oddball fan of Salvation too, a guilty pleasure!
The Terminator and Terminator 2 are similar to Alien/Aliens, each is better because the other exists.
Terminator 3 had the faintest potential of being a good film. Replace whoever they got to play John Connor with Edward Furlong and make it a bit grittier, do something more fitting for Sarah Connor’s character whilst still arriving at the same conclusion and you could have had a nice contained trilogy.
Salvation is good because it’s interesting seeing the world post Judgement Day, but the whole arc with Helena Bonham Carter/Sam Worthington is weird and doesn’t land iirc.
Just following Kyle Rees to the point of being chosen to go back in time and the whole paradox of John Connor’s parentage could have made for a good movie/2nd trilogy whatever. He meets John Connor, who looks a little, but not much like Edward Furlong grown up… they get him into the time machine through whatever mechanism/adversity whatever… camera pans back to John Connor… it’s Edward Furlong all grown up… cue thunk, thunk, th-thunk music and a million fan theories.
Fuck Terminator Genisys.
Dark Fate is interesting, probably the closest we’ve gotten to the original two in terms of pacing, characters etc… but killing off John at the beginning was a dick move and seemed forced to make it about Sarah Connor’s character.
Can you tell I’m avoiding doing work?
Avoiding work is good for my work I find. All my best work was avoided until it became an impossible deadline, gives me the focus.

If there’s more to life than watching terminator 2, in bed with a cup of tea, I’m yet to discover it.
Die Hard with a Vengeance, maybe.

The Terminator and Terminator 2 are similar to Alien/Aliens, each is better because the other exists.
Last time I saw Ed Furlong was in a horror movie, might have been a remake of Demons maybe. Years and years ago.
I’ve kinda forgotten about T3 and Genesis, only watched once. Salvation I just like. I liked the actor that played young Reece, such a shame he died so young.
I’ve just had 3 intense weeks in work so I’ll be damned if I’m not taking it easy for a few days haha
Predator and Conan are my comfort films.
The Terminator shits all over T2. It’s a cold, hard bastard of a movie. T2 is ruined by too much sentiment.
I also like the fact that James Cameron got his start doing special effects for Roger Corman (eg. Piranha II: The Spawning) and T1 still has a proper B-movie feel in the Corman tradition.
I love Alien and Aliens equally. They’re two completely different films. Structurally I like Aliens because of the way the opening of the movie bigs up the gung-ho marines before dropping them in the shit.
Not unlike the opening 10 minutes of Predator when they decimate the rebel camp.

Predator and Conan are my comfort films.
The Terminator shits all over T2. It’s a cold, hard bastard of a movie. T2 is ruined by too much sentiment.
I also like the fact that James Cameron got his start doing special effects for Roger Corman and T1 still has a proper B-movie feel in the Corman tradition.
Conan is up there indeed but so is First Blood too.