
Alien/Aliens… best sci-fi ever. No one has ever done life from other planets anywhere near as well, thanks to the technical gungy perverted mind of Jonny Giger, Sorry H.R.

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First Blood is a properly good film. Ted Kotcheff who directed it also made the batshit crazy Wake In Fright which I can’t recommend highly enough.

First Blood II is tainted by its horribly reactionary politics but it does have a hilarious turn by Steven Berkoff.

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I’ve also been stoked recently revisiting a bunch of John Carpenter films with my 14 year-old… The Thing, Escape from New York, They Live, Christine. The only one he didn’t get on with was Christine. I want to watch Prince of Darkness next, a very strange slice of satanic quantum physics featuring Donald Pleasance (who is also in Wake In Fright).


[quote=“jamjar, post:6102, topic:26, full:true”] T2 is ruined by too much sentiment.


Lump of coal heading your way at the end of the month.

  • “I know now why you cry, but it’s something I can never do”
    I love arnie and Kyle’s paternal arc

Can’t be arsed to copy and paste to quote @navitronic also but great take that terminator and T2 propping each other up.

Terminator 3 could have been a great conclusion to the trilogy and although it’s abit cack, I think it gets bashed abit too much

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Don’t forget ‘In the Mouth of Madness’ to complete Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy.


Scared the absolute bollocks off me as a kid that film

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Such a classic! Good soundtrack too.
Used to rent it from the video shop regularly as a kid.


It’s a decent bit of late Carpenter. Still no one has managed to make a really good Lovecraft adaptation.

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“Maybe we can work out some kind of deal… Why don’t you sweep up around the place… do a few lubes… put the toilet paper on the little spools, shit like that.”

I love the garage owner character.

Apparently Carpenter only agreed to make Christine because he needed the work after the bad reception The Thing received and he needed to prove his competence. It’s not as pure as some of his other films but anything with Harry Dean Stanton in will always be worth watching (cf. Pretty In Pink).

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This is why it’s my preference, but I like the Nav take.


Do you have adhd?

I got a girl named Bony Moronie.
She’s as skinny as a stick of macaroni :grin:

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Agreed. There are some real stinkers, eh. I looked forward to the Lovecraft Country series. Shame that turned out to be utter bobbins.

I did like the Radio 4 adaptations of The Shadow Over Innsmouth and At The Mountains of Madness.

Me too. Also, The Thing That Should Not Be by Metallica kicks arse :metal:

Ooof. That’s a harsh film.

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Some Michael Fabricant bought T800 NED number plate, now I’m stuck.

Finally got my TV levelled off and the PS4 and Xbox shelved. I did put in an HDMI for the switch but that’s all over the house and ultimately it is the kids console.

I’m now very much in a position of either going to skate and get cold or sit on my arse drinking and playing games or watching a film. Could skate first but that would need real effort.

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Quite possibly, things people mention strike chords but I don’t think I’ve got it bad enough to want to bother doing anything about it.

Got tickets to see GZA in Feb.
Xmas tree ready to go up.
York City lost but played well on the BBC last night.
Gourmet curry box coming for tonight.
Got a fresh deck set up for the next dry morning when the park will be empty (thanks unemployment).
Loads of stoke right at this moment.


I went to the one area of my town I’ve never been to just to have a look and found not one, but two spots.

The multi step granite ledges are a bit surrounded by houses so might not be that good but would grind and slide perfect.

The steps have no blind bumps at the top.

This brings the number of spots in Chepstow up to…two.