Damn that’s a good out ledge!
I know. As I’m fat and old I won’t have anything for it though.
Definite evidence of skateboarding too but I haven’t seen one other skater here in 2 years.
Well every year I do the Story skate camp at Camp Hillcrest with Starkie and few others so next year we’ll ditch all of the kids with Baines and get to Chepstow to hit that spot for sure!
When a loverly parcel off @Barf arrives, cheers man. Much appreciated. It has also put me in the ‘giving is great’ Christmas spirit and now want to do the same and pass it forward by giving to someone…
We could do secret Santa? @voodoo
@neddy Yeah a small budget and someone sorts out addresses and usernames but the other forum member who is matched to another member can’t reveal they sent it. So I might get you but you would get another member. If that makes sense?
Only for members who can spare a few pennies and the time.
Edit: or maybe something skate related like an old tee, hat, stickers, ect in good condition they no longer wear or want but someone else might like.
Yer I like the old gift idea, fuck it will start a thread.
Hit me up if you do. Would be good to see good people skating that.
Be warned that that really is the only spot in town.
Those spots look sick!
Going to Gran Canaria in half hour, well, airport first… for a gig.
Anyone who doesn’t go in the music thread, here’s me pluggin our weird wares. Have a listen if you feel inclined.
Btw @notactuallyhere mrs and kid are hyped on this so much.
Is there more?
Music or gigs?
So happy they are into it. It’s a journey of a piece and it won’t be for everyone but the response we have had has been amazing. I loved what you’re girls sent, they worked so well along with the other contributors. Millie’s Ramen sample is all the glitchy vocals in that hectic part, had so much fun mashing that up.
Just about run through before soundcheck at 3, had many problems, broken interface, had to borrow one, wrong cables, drivers etc. Just got it working ha, hoepfully stays that way then I can worry less and go for a skate.
What kinda live setup are you guys using?
Second skate in new shoes, with a fresh board. BBS wood. Went pretty well. Skating outdoors when it’s cold is so good for the soul.
Live sax for missus and i’m playing the backing track with an elektron octatrack and laptop. sequencing, triggering, mixing live elements and effecting sax live.
We were kinda governed by what we could take on the plane otherwise i’d try and do everything live.
Gig went great. Lots amazing responses and praise from apparently very famous folks I have no clue about. Many asking what the hell I was doing up there as i’m twiddling knobs etc.
Big concert afterparty schmoozing with big names, walking the fine line of chatting funny bollocks and close offending them because I know nothing about them until afterwards when GF explains who they are.
It would be like taking my missus to the Yeah Right premiere party and randomly finding yourself talking to an array of whoever was there.
Gonna go for a skate around Las Palmas soon.
Some new neighbours moved in around the corner a few months ago, I think they are from Hong Kong and they speak very little English, on the day they moved in one of their cats bolted and never came back which was sad.
Just came home from work and they have hung a little gift bag filed with a range of Asian tea and coffees with a hand written card on every house in the streets door. We’re #63 for context, super thoughtful of them.
Really really needed that. Just skating around on my own, exploring up random streets, getting lost finding random spots, guessing where known spots are and being right. Been soooooo long since doing that. Didn’t really do alot, couple of flips, grinds etc but just cruising around. Shit myself hillbombing, felt like Pedro delfino even though I was going half the speed of what he would. Some good hills but I had to slide alot to keep in check.
Feel exhilarated.
Finished off an edit that will be different from what I normally work on, so stoked on how it’s all come together.
Also stoked to head off to London tomorrow to see Helmet and eat good foods and drink pints.
My sons first nativity this morning. Cuteness overload. Loved it.
Helmet. Awesome