
I’m 22 years deep and never landed one regular one. :see_no_evil:

Well done Spanky!

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Sat having a coffee and biscuit after a colonoscopy. It wasn’t as bad as expected and made for an interesting half hour viewing on the big monitor. Looks all clear too.
Fully thought I’d shat water all over the doctor and myself at one point but it was a phantom poo.
And I lost 7lbs in 24 hrs with the laxiatives they give you the day before. I can sort of see why Diana had enemas so often although my ring feels a bit “Valentines Day in prison”


Very thorough aren’t they!?

Ha yeah was tempted to keep some aside in case I ever really hate someone. Instant anal pissing, 5 secs to get to a toilet type deal

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Haha! Savage.

I had one a few months ago too. Can still taste those laxatives now :face_vomiting:

2 litres of cold, salty lemon lemsip with a slightly gloomy texture. Mmmmmmmm

After a period when I was struggling to do even basic tricks like shuvits and no complies due to chronic headaches and feeling out it, I’m feeling better and these basics are coming back. It sure was frustrating rolling around a car park bailing simple stuff over and over again. I should see a doctor to make so there’s hopefully no reoccurrence of these symptoms. It’s mad the difference when I feel better, not just with skating but in general too.


Had a day off today. Starting with a phone call to say I got the dream job I wanted. Same money, commute is a 5 min skate away, less hassle. Followed by a roll around on my first ever cruiser (Ricta Clouds rule!) with my 4 year old on her bike, to go and pick up some free tap dancing shoes from someone down the road. Steak and Malbec for tea. Creme Eggs for supper.


Good to hear. Make sure you get that contract signed ASAP. Ricta Clouds are savage cruiser wheels. I put a set on my son’s board and they feel absolutely perfect whenever I’ve taken him to that local smooth spot every now and again.

Got told to film a specific trick at a spot and somehow managed to do it in half an hour after lugging a 6ft odd sheet of ply a mile there to use as runup. Might not seem like much but I hate having to film properly (well properly as in with an actual camera for a video and not just fucking around for insta) as I take forever to land anything and feel bad on whoevers behind the lens so it was nice to put something down relatively quickly for once.

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Fuck… Don’t tell @Londonskater this!


Stoked that my 6 year old little girl is becoming obsessed with skating. We’ve been to The House two Mondays in a row now and she loves it.
And I even got to skate for about three minutes too :slight_smile:


Hey! I’m down for wood (WURP!)…Just don’t be making the wood the focus.

Everything is doom and gloom at the moment, everyone is talking about the end of days…

but ‘Original Nuttah’ just came on my Spotify playlist, and honestly, the world just seems like a better place already.


it was to use as runup for this spot, think getting the wood there was harder than the trick :joy:

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Sick spot. What was the trick?

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no comply back 3, bit of a go to trick for me so i thought it’d be easy but trying to put it down was harder than i thought. kinda wanna go back and try and get something else into it but pretty much every trick i’d consider a go to trick has abd and i dont have the strongest flatground game by any stretch of the imagination. heard of and seen a few nbds go down into it, still waiting for someone to go down it switch.


Gagging for a trick into the top bit regs, then a fast feet 180 in to the bottom bit…

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only trick similar i can think of is dan mains pop in then flip from gasoline1, 2:51

dunno if you’d even have the time for the fast feet 180, that bank is rapid

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