
Just saw the Pope speak at the Vatican - pretty fucking mad


I tried to see Vatican city years ago, but they wouldnā€™t let me in as I had shorts onā€¦


Iā€™m wearing shorts today ā€¦ weird

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Donā€™t want too many boys in shorts around there, could get tempting for the residents.


Or bring back a few childhood memoriesā€¦


I guess you all know Iā€™m not Roman Catholic.

Although I do find it all very interesting

Youā€™re allowed into the Vatican with shorts but not into the main church, I want to say San Pietro? It was blazing squad when I went and the Americans were kicking off as they were all in shorts.

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Of course it is if you approach it as a cultural thing and forget all the bullshit theyā€™ve been involved in for millennia.
I grew up in a Roman Catholic area and hate the Church but still visited an abbey last Sunday and loved it.

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I went to the main church St Peterā€™s Basilica.

Also just got my hair braided gasssssed


For reference.


Had a good weekend seeing friends I havenā€™t seen for a while (mukkas who filmed a part for my video and all, so easily a good year or so since we last saw eachother).

Got some footy out at Pembroke Dock half pipe and some extra bits for an edit Iā€™ll work on at my mateā€™s little indoor park (plus he built us a ledge to skate that day and it was bloody sound, like).

Skin came with us and got some decent shots at the Pembroke Dock half pipe, which was dope.


After months of knowing Iā€™ve had enough of my job Iā€™ve finally took some action. Totally re-done my CV and applied for a few jobs. Still gone for similar roles so could end up being the same issue but time will tell on that. Feels good to be taking action regardless! The Sunday night feeling of dread before going back to work on Monday has grown tiresome!


Alright Moul-E

90s revival still in effect then

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Check out my local park and chill


Damn that flatland area is inspired. If only more councils would do that, just a big flat slab of concrete and a ā€˜do what you want, fuck itā€™ sign.


Which park is that in, Jim? The mini looks great.

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Yeah itā€™s sick, proper flat slab

Itā€™s not ready yet but Brampton park E6. Give me a shout if you fancy a visit

Is this the one Ged Wells keeps posting too?

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Yep. Havenā€™t met ged yet but heā€™s been involved I think

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