
Giving up & going to bed now.

See you in 30…

Fuck all here

I thought I’d treat myself to a half hour lie down when I put the wee lad to bed at 7 but woke up 6 hours later

Missed it both nights but feeling very well rested at least


Stoked that I survived going to skateparks in Watts and Compton today. Got there at 6:30am to avoid any trouble. Been putting it off for 2 years as I only have a week left living in LA and I’m trying to hit every skatepark I can for my 1000 park mission.

PROPER sketchy in Watts. Compton didn’t seem as bad as I’d imagined.


Thug life!

1000 park mission? Wow… I’ve been skating for 33 years and I doubt I’ve been to more than 100 parks. I’ll try to count any park I remember going to. 150 maybe. Who knows… We’ll see.

I’m on 467. Started in 2019 (although did 0 new parks in 2020). I review every park on my Instagram @cementurians and film a clip at each one.

It started out trying to do 100 in 1 year then I just got carried away and now I’m in too deep to quit.


Opening of Menace to Society and Ghetto Bird comes to mind with the towers haha


In what way sketchy? … just out of morbid curiosity

Isn’t Compton meant to be quite suburban?

I think Compton has been somewhat gentrified in recent years but it’s still somewhere I’d avoid unless absolutely necessary.

I think Watts is worse, felt sketchy because the houses are all laid out like a military base. Sort of felt like walking down a dodgy alley hoping not to run into someone.

The whole area was just run down with rubbish dumped on every corner. I don’t think they see too many white English guys walking around with a skateboard…


Nickerson Gardens, Watts


Wilson Park, Compton


First one looks sick but my eyeballs couldn’t cope haha

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Last park looks average English concrete build ha


You’re gonna love it when you move back to UK mate! :joy:



Fuck me, talk about a country in rapid decline :pensive:

Not very friendly geography in watts

Are those houses? Fuck living that close to a skatepark, the pictures on the walls must be rattling.

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Doesn’t really happen though. Last skater that tried….



Yes I’ve been to quite a few skateparks directly next to housing estates. Weird

6 days to go. What I miss? Ha