
Awesome! Rad idea. Following ya!

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Just started a list, got 87 off the top of my head, so Iā€™ve probably skated between 100 and 150 skateparks in my life.

Thatā€™s pretty good going- I must have been to 50 before I started actively seeking them out.

Iā€™m hoping as I approach park 999 in a few years it gains some traction and Iā€™ll maybe be able to skate the Berrics or Tony Hawkā€™s ramp as park 1000. Or at the very least have a big bash somewhere in the UK

Any skate rat on the planet will think your project is cool, Tony Hawk and Eric Koston are skate rats, Tony Hawk and Eric Koston will think your project is cool.
Get your foot in the door by talking about your mission to the skateshop owners and any kind of industry person you meet while skating and someoneā€™s bound to introduce you to them a way or another. Itā€™s all about connections if you want to enter places like these I suppose.

Back to our lists, does a miniramp count or should it be skateparks and nothing else?

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I told Daewon about it at a shop signing in Long Beach and he was stoked on it. Followed me on Insta and comments on my posts every now and then. (Stoked really, heā€™s my favourite skater) Iā€™m sure he has access to every skatepark in the country.

I count mini ramps, and certain DIYā€™s also. DIYs are a grey area. Obviously FDR and Burnside count but a shitty curb and flatbar in an old car park somewhere probably doesnā€™t cut it.


Daewon should be able to help indeed. Tell him about it again next time you bump into him and shitā€™s gonna get real.

Ah yeah a curb and a flatbar obviously wonā€™t make the list but certain DIYs sure do.

What about South Bank though? It was a street spot but is it still one with all those blocks there now?

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Iā€™ve counted South Bank and Fondo in Barcelona as a skatepark these days. If a spot has become a designated skateboarding area by the city and has had blocks and rails etc added then itā€™s a skatepark in my book

Alright, that makes sense.

112 parks/ramps on my list so far. :nerd_face:

Creating this list made me realize that I skated more street than parks during my holidays in the States. Iā€™m so cool. :joy:

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I spent a lot of time skating street while Iā€™ve been here too. Gotta get the best of both worlds in. Iā€™m probably gonna take a break for a month or so as I move back to the UK next week. Need to get settled, buy a car, find a job etc

I wasnā€™t even trying to keep it real, haha, there were just less skateparks back then I suppose.

Went to Philly twice but could never skate Love Park, the police (not Sting, fools in uniforms with goatees and guns) were always there. Climbed all the way up to Fort Miley in SF, got the boot from the park ranger before I could step on my board. Couldnā€™t skate Pier 7 either. Skated some cool DIY parks in the Midwest and around Philly. Skated Brooklyn Banks and 3rd and Army. Some other kinda famous spots too but my memory is a bit hazy right now. Bombing SF hills was definitely a highlight!


Job offer. Stoked


Watching how my kids really enjoy jiu-jitsu, I figured it was now or never to give it a go. But, at my age and health, I made a wise decision to start taking a few fitness lessons to get relatively back in shape. Iā€™ll follow these with some personal training for jiu-jitsu then hopefully start rolling with the class.

Anyway, first fitness session today and it went well except I have reawoken muscles in my legs that have not worked hard in years. The joys of aches and pains.

Extra stoke: Almost finished with second year of studies. Only one left to go.


Missed out on the first run of thisā€¦ theyā€™ve just done a second and managed to grab one.

Itā€™s still in the wrapā€¦ will have a proper look at it tonight.


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Mate I was so stoked! And confused in equal numbers! He seemed like a super cool dude, more than happy to stop and chat for a bit!

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Think Iā€™ve got a vinyl release coming soon ish on a new small label that seems pretty legit. Now the stress of getting something decent together for it which is suddenly much harder when thereā€™s a bit of pressure
But for now Iā€™m allowing myself a Stoked.


Anyone else bank with Nationwide?

Just had an email saying theyā€™re paying me Ā£100.

boom, Ā£100!

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Yeah, I got Ā£100 of them this time last year.
Fingers crossed itā€™s a yearly pay out.

Yep, my wife missed that one as her mortgage is in her maiden name and she hasnā€™t changed it. Lots of nagging, and still not done.

Oh cool, I bank with Nationwide. Some wonga would be nice lol

Edit: I would have needed to have had Ā£100 in my savings account at the end of any day in March to qualify. Iā€™ve hardly used it so I donā€™t. Next year Iā€™ll know to keep Ā£100 or more in the savings account around March though so cheers for the heads up.