
Just had my vasectomy , was surprisingly less painful than a tooth filling .
Done and dusted

Now for the sofa and a long weekend wearing tight budgie smugglers . Never thought I’d spend money on those


The first piss/shit/jizz are all TERRIFYING but you’ll be grand in a week or so

Haha they don’t tell you about that !

I have been hit in the nuts so bad they went black and swelled up to a grapefruit size. That was terrifying , hopefully not going to be deja vu


It’s when the anaesthetic wears off and it’s real ball ache for a few days.

Already preparing for the John Wayne walk , got a dedicated bag of frozen peas and plenty of weed to help the aches .


It’s not for long. 2-10 hours after are when it’s going to hurt the most so if it’s not that bad then, you’re all good.

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Selling Walthamsow flat due to not having a coin (not stoked) but after first block viewing someone just offered full asking price, no chain, stoked


Why is it terrifying?

The Beatnuts last night, so good for some older dudes. Did a two hour show and JuJu is a spit for Koston, it was like the skaty-likes thread. Catch them if you can in Leicester, Manchester or London.


Watch out now.

They made some seriously catchy beats.

Theres a very real fear your entire insides will come erupting through your recently excavated knackerbag so any exertion puts the fear of god up ya


Been fine with it all so far , only horrible part was removing the industrial medical tape from the sack . This shits stickier than carpet tape and I wish I’d trimmed better . Was a long 10 minutes trying to peel that off .


No matter what anyone says, I’m never sold on that procedure :woozy_face:

Absolute peace of mind not enough? Especially if your other half has complications with her birth control?


Oh yeah, I can totally get that :+1:

But in general, I just squirm even though everyone says it’s ok.

Also talking like I actually do sex anymore :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


How long did it take from referral to having the procedure? I’ve been waiting 6 weeks just for a phone call from the doc.

Honestly I’ve had fillings that have been much worse in the pain category, I did think it would be worse but not at all . The mind plays great tricks on you . Also it’s super quick , I was booked in at 3.10pm and out the door at 3.35pm

I spoke to my doctor in February via phone appointment and was booked in for last week . Was all done on nhs via private hospital. I see where our national insurance goes .

I’d chase up your doctor asap or speak to your doctors surgery and see if you can speak to any doctor, it’s just a referral.


The phone call is scheduled - that’s the soonest they could fit me in!! For a phone call ffs. Batshit how hard it is to see a doc now. Well, not even see one.

Bun all Tories and their supporters too.

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Wow that’s absolutely bonkers ! Fuck the tories indeed

Just had a look and you don’t need a GP referral, you can go via a sexual health clinic .

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