Stuff you've not seen but probably should have.

Friends is great, that’s a hill I’m willing to die on

Edit - if you’ve never seen it until now though you will likely think it’s shite


You don’t accidentally watch all of sex in the city.


Watch Rogue One, then watch the opening scene from Star Wars (1977), they dove-tail together perfectly. You don’t have to keep watching once the opening scene is over.
Star Wars would be better without the insufferable “comedy” stylings of C3PO and R2D2. And the Ewoks. And probably Luke Skywalker. And if they visualised the Force or something, rather than Vader/Rey/Kylo Ren just holding their arms up. I recall watching it in the cinema in the late 90s when they rereleased it. Hadn’t watched it in 10 years or so and had forgotten how much of a turnip Luke Skywalker was, and in general how flimsy a lot of the threads are holding the saga together.

Better Call Saul is good, but yeah, slow. Thought there was some really odd choices of lighting and shot composition in the first 2 series, particularly where Jimmy/Saul and Kim would have smoke breaks in the underground carpark. Just started on series 5 of it the other day, it’s been interesting to see Jimmy and Kim’s diverging paths, along with Mike’s decent into the darker side. And I’ve always got time for the psychotic duality of Gustavo Fring.

Oh god I’d love to have not watched either and do this.

It’s Sex and the City. I don’t know why I know the difference but I do? Maybe it’s from when Mark Commode was slagging off the films in his the worst films ever made list?

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It’s from Peep Show when Mark is guessing Sophies password. I was thinking about that when I wrote it down.


Just read the books instead.
Films are enjoyable but the mythology of the books is way more interesting/deep.

Thought it was just me re Star Wars. Could someone explain to me exactly how I should go about it? Like, as far as I know there’s about 50 films and they all jump around timelines and shit going back and forth and whatnot. Is that right? I just don’t know if I should start according to chronological film release or if there’s a more contemporary version I should instead begin with.

Amazingly, also The Sopranos has been missed too. I really ought to do have done this over lockdown, as a friend of mine was actually watching it too, but instead I just went away and taught myself Latin, played a load of chess and read my tome on Napoleon.

Watch them in the order they came out.

Or all of them in the order they came out but not the first one like me.

If you absolutely have to watch them, watch them in this order.

Phantom Menace (1998)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Han Solo (2018)
Rogue One (2016)
Star Wars (1977)
Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Force Awakens (2015)
The Last Jedi (2017)
Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Best ones for me are Rogue One, Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars and Force Awakens, I suppose the first half of ROTJ too. You could probably track down a fan re-edit of films 1-3 on YT which is about 3 hours long and cuts out a load of shit about trade wars, politics and most of the scenes with the useless turd who plays Anakin.

Visually appealling for sure, especially when that’s all there was of that genre growing up in the 80s. Story, characteristation and dialog are all on a sliding scale of meh to awful shit. It really doesn’t deserve the total, unflinching, messiah level of fan worship it gets, regardless of how badly they’ve aged or how cutting edge the graphics were at the time. They’re ok. Just watch them expecting to laugh at them rather than with them.

Marvel did something similar with the end of Thor Ragnarok and Infinity War. Oddly, they released Black Panther between those 2 films.

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I don’t know why you would suggest anything other than watching them in the order they were released.

If you watch them a second time then of course watch them in another way.

It’s the order in which the story happens.

Also Rogue One and Han Solo are side films away from the normal story.

You absolute legend. That’s the sort of list I’ve been looking for all this time. Go raibh míle maith agat!

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Yes but that is not how they were made and I believe would be confusing.

So? The story jumps around a hell of a lot over the 40 years. It starts with Episode 4 FFS!

Watch Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi.

If you enjoyed that, then watch Rogue One.

Just forget the rest. Stick them in a box with Battle for Endor or Caravan of Courage.


The latest 3 were good.

Scrolled down to say this, and there it is already.

The first three are amazing, then they tried to wring as much out of it as they could years later, and made a load of shit films for little kids with no attention span.