Stuff you've not seen but probably should have.

Happy Life Day…


You watch Star Wars in this order if you don’t want to spoil the reveals…

Rogue One (2016) - The best of the new ones.
Star Wars (1977)
Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Phantom Menace (1998)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Force Awakens (2015) - Okay, good start to the new trilogy.
The Last Jedi (2017) - Utter shite.
Rise of Skywalker (2019) - Trying to sort the utter shite out badly.
Han Solo (2018) - This film never needed to be made.


This list is sensible.

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TFA wasn’t bad.
The rest sucked.
I hate saying that.

I guess it depends what you want out of it.

2 hours of cheesy and fun space opera.

Am I the only one that thought Solo was alright?

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Totally ignore the prequels, It does not set up anything other than where Darth and the Emperor comes from and that’s not enough to warrant 1 film, never mind 3. Trade disputes? Brexit in space would be more interesting.

The newest one was so rushed it annoyed me but I kinda enjoyed all the new ones as I had low expectations. They are silly but so were the originals, people seem to forget that.
I’d watch Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and Rogue one, definitely. Then if you want more watch the last 3.

Exactly! Total shit.

Meh. I thought they’re harmless fun.

Mark Hamilton - “The continuity is going to be all off, we’re just wet in the dirty garbage compactor, now we’re all dry and clean?”

Harrison Ford - “It’s not that kind of movie kid”

Me too. I don’t have much time to watch movies so need a bit more than harmless fun.

In hindsight it was better than everything that came after it and tbf, I though that Aiden guy worked out well as young Solo

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I’ve never seen Jaws, Top Gun, Schindler’s List or Lethal Weapon.

I’m a huge fan of ‘cinema’ and watch a lot of films but never saw these and now they’re too built up in my mind to warrant putting time aside to watch them

All time

Saw that for the first time a couple of years ago. I guess better movies have been made since. Good that it was in cineams and all, but there aredefinitely better films about the same thing.

It’s like a Coldplay ballad. Sensitivity for a mass audience.

Jaws and Schindler’s List both live up to the hype, I’ve not seen either for a bit but they have aged pretty well I’d say. They aren’t films that will feel like some sort of chore to watch. Spielberg right at the top of his game, just so well-crafted and gripping. The other two are decent films but also very absurdly 1980s.

I honestly can’t think of anything that I should have seen but haven’t. Watch so much stuff that’s just passable that if there’s something that loads of people say is amazing and they’re people who usually like the same sorts of things as me then I’m generally all over it, especialy these days when it’s all just there.


I’ve watched the film, read the book and been on the theme park ride.

I’d put go in this order:

  1. Film
  2. Theme park ride
  3. That joke about Jaws 2 in Father Ted
  4. The book

The book is rubbish. The film is excellent.

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Never watched Man Bites Dog or Delicatessen. Seen about half of Naked Lunch, but the book was good.

Never even heard of these :man_shrugging:

Oh yeah I still haven’t watched Video Days.

Or any star wars.

Or played half life or portal.

I thought The Pianist was better than Schindlers list.