
Mangez-moi doesn’t sound rude, it’s just erotic I suppose.

There are restaurants called Eat Me in Lausanne and Geneva, haha.

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Haha this is hilarious. I’ll have to try this.


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“No! Come back! I was being erotic!”

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If you say this to a native speaker, they’ll probably think about the song first, then they’ll think that a Brit knowing it is amazing. :upside_down_face:

Knee jerk reaction but that’s a dick thing to get tattooed and a dick thing for the artist to tattoo


Unless she supports the Taliban I agree. That’s a terrible tattoo.

Not for me. Vile.

If she lost someone in 9/11, I could kinda get with it, people deal with loss in different ways.

If not, and not old enough to even remember it? Nah, fuck off

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Yeah, you can show your respects however you like but it’s the kind of thing you’re going be judged on and asked about. Pretty misguided way of doing it but it might have more sinister conspiracy vibes which is obviously pretty cunty.

She probably thinks it’s a Radiohead cover or something.

Probably an edgy photography student for six months but packed the course in.

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Taking some time out to decide whether to pursue her street-photography zine idea or do an Instagram for her French bulldog.

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A French bulldog Instagram does itself.

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I reckon it was just a falling man and not ‘the’ falling man.

dang, yeah, that’s weird then.

Morbid and bad taste.

That’s even worse.

Shell toes, nylon trackies, XL t-shirt… This guy on that girl’s tattoo totally looks like a breakdancer and not like a dude that would have worked in the Twin Towers.

embroidery tattoo