The Continually Updated Footage Thread

If ‘Revolution 9’ had been the most listenable thing they produced then that possibly would have been the case.

‘Some people’ not all the people :wink:

It was Cunt Walker

Should’ve skated to…

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these ones for me…

1 - hail to the thief
2 - in rainbows
3 - in rainbows disk 2
4 - ok computer


For sure. The older they get the more I like them too, In Rainbows (two disc) and Hail to the Thief. You forget how good There, there is, or Last Flowers, All I need, ect to name a few.

Radiohead were one of the first bands I saw live, they were supporting a band called Kingmaker.

They were shite then, they’re shite now and they’ve been shite in between.


Yep, that sounds like Kingmaker.


In Rainbows
Kid A


I had a kingmaker tshirt but it was the first and last experience of buying a tshirt of a band I’d never heard. (I think I saw someone from another band wearing it)
Someone asked me about them and I couldn’t answer and I never wore it again.

I fucking love the living shit out of Radiohead.
I’m having their whole discography played at my funeral.
Apart from the first album obvs.

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The Bends
OK Computer
Kid A

In any order. Never really got into In Rainbows as heavily. What am I missing?

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A rollneck sweater and deep rooted & unfulfilled longing to be seen as intellectual?


Sorry Voodoo/Flambe, I don’t mean it. Had a shitty day (ended up in hospital hooked up to an ECG for hours) and this is the kind of mocking I do to my best mate (a proper muso type) who loves Radiohead for their “progression.” I mean personally I think they’ve progressed from being an entertaining enough MOR rock band into a pretentious pile of self indulgent noise but that’s just, like, my opinion man.


They haven’t turned into that, the fans have that role. Radiohead are still a band that produces accessible tunes just that they like to experiment with a bit of production and even then they are never that out there. The fans are always the worst part of anything though, music, sport, anything.
And not even a huge fan, I just appreciate that they are unique in that they have lasted this long and still churning out new ideas that still engage.

This guy noseblunt slid one of the biggest hubbas in the world. He can skate to any tune he likes and by rights we should be all queing up to toss him off as a reward for showing it to us for free.


Guy is stuck on Vans flow. There is no meritocracy in skating.

Most of Birdhouse don’t have full shoe sponsors. Maybe that means something

If you seem like a bit of a dick and have a crap style then you’re probably not getting a proper shoe sponsor. Surely that’s just common sense?

Yet Nyjah is on the biggest contracts?

Yeah but he’s like ‘officially’ the best isn’t he.

We all know he’s actually not though.


I’ve been thinking about this, there are loads of guys who aren’t hooked up with a proper shoe sponsor. Is this just a numbers thing? There are more board companies than ever, with more ‘pros’ but only a limited number of spots on a shoe team?