The Continually Updated Footage Thread


Cool name.

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I’ve been looking forward to this, the latest Threads Ideas Vacuum video - Think and Thank. Here’s the opener.

I posted this back in May, but here it is again. Think and Thank trailer.

Full video up on Free Skate Mag on Friday. Hard copies from Palomino.

All the Threads videos are banging and worth checking out if you’ve not seen them.

I didn’t know JB could get even better.

Wtf is up with that song where’s JBs bit


loved the energy in this edit!

Great song

Sorry to bring the stinking attitude over from the shoe thread but I never really understood Fos’ additions to Heroin bar Fiske… British, Euro and Japan dudes fair enough but all the Yanks seemed like token additions who never really fit the vibe…

Having typed that I should probably start my own shit… Martians only…

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Marty Marowski

You should workshop that idea a bit more…

I’m old, slightly bitter and content to watch things burn… Workshopping it seems like the only option… :sweat_smile:

Heroin survived though.

Lol, Thrasher described the manuals in this as ‘tasteful’:

Complete tech overkill.

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Wait, three minutes of semi-legit manuals at the same spot?

:astonished: Markus Wyndham…shit another Cultof I would follow.