The Continually Updated Footage Thread

My fav YouTube comment so far:
“This old guy rips. There is still hope for me.”


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I enjoy AA and his 3 tricks


He’s still too young to be skating to Pixies.

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He is built like Black Francis.

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That clip with the tail slide then bs 360 kickflip over the “hip” got a few re-up’s in the Gillespie kitchen I can tell ya!


Serious Adult video and the AA part were full on spot porn for me.
Loved 'em.

Both made me want to go skate…Sick.


Serious Adult video is brilliant.


Thanks build, mick and LS.
glad you enjoyed it. Already planning the obscure spot pilgrimages for 2022. Hopefully abit further afield next year


really enjoyed it cheers… and the 10.34 video was filmed so well. Good to see Gustav amongst others

So glad I didn’t sleep on this…

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Love a bit of AA. Halfway through Bronze and I think I’m nearly caught up with Suciu then another is released. Then new stuff is posted in here haha.

The Saint Tom Knox Atlantic Drift part has been my favourite part this year (edit, so far…).

Amazing isn’t it!

I love the write up on Free to go alongside it.

“I think we need to take a step back Arthur. We have a couple of things we need to sort out. First of all, the graphic design of this magazine. It’s like you have made an active decision to practice ableism against us dyslexics.”

“I here ask you Will Harmon: Could you please stop writing on the skew, stop separating words and letters and please try to keep some margin to the edge? Thank you. You think too much and don’t feel enough; it looks unnatural and serves no purpose.”

These parts really got me, I fucking hate trying to read Free… to the point I don’t even pick it up anymore.


Ah, yeah but in context it comes across very differently.

I just read the article and being that it is preceded by their Swedish Laws of Jante, the diss (which isn’t limited to Free) is very tongue in cheek and pretty amusing. With context.

Much like the Hjalte call out which is then turned into them really clearly wanting him to come by as they’ve got spots for him. Or the “Not cool enough to be in the same space as Chewy” did which turns into “we love everything Chewy does and are stoked to be invited to be in the same mag as him”.

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Did someone mention Dilo earlier today?


That was very good. That sw tre he does down some stairs mid section was popped like a beast.
I also enjoy how happy he is when he lands his tricks.



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True, but they have got a point about turning the mag around like a steering wheel. Ha!

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‘Villagers’ is a new series from Orwellian World Landscape, chronicling camp/skate trips across rural UK. Chapter One follows Dan Fisher Eustance, Jimmy Silver, Cal Dawson, JP Arnold, Matt Ransom, Al Hodgson and Phil Russell exploring some of Devon and Cornwall’s most archaic and anomalous architecture. Filmed delightfully of course by Al Hodgson with additional filming by that man Jimmy Silver.


Up until a couple of years ago, probably Polar.

Right now, probably FA/Hockey.

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!! this has some absolutely in-cred-ible stuff in it.

Jante vid had Vincent Huhta (aka. the stoned spaghetti monster) so I’m happy.