The Continually Updated Footage Thread

Probs the weather tbf. Wolves banks shit was all really sick!

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We were supposed to link up with them for the Swansea bit of their wee tour, but they ended up in Cardiff and Newport that day.

If they did come down I had a lot of spots lined up for 'em. Sick edit, though. Love Bear’s footy in this.

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Bear is god.
Alex hatfield (first guy) had some lovely manuals. The front heel switch manny on large ledge is abit mad.


That was rad. Wolves Civic Banks ain’t no joke!


That was fun.

Alex and Bear had some good shit.

I actually let out a belly laugh at this spot…

Just because it’s so fucking random, kinda near nothing much and I’ve been taken there before. It was fun and all, but as something to take a 20 min detour to, it was a bit of a let-down.
I am 100% sure the line was ‘theres a spot you’ll never see again, ever.’

How wrong we were.


So my mate is helping edit two parts of the video and had an idea on doing teasers for the video, going by each person’s part.

First one is out today;


Siiiick! Those spots are no joke, especially the last one!

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Pretty savage the last minute or so!


At this point I think it would be possible to replace the person eating cake example used to illustrate the law of diminishing returns with a skateboarder watching the myriad of Mark Suciu video parts that we’ve been bombarded with recently.

I’m all Suciu’d out, so at this stage, for me, it’s becoming difficult to really appreciate what he’s been putting out. I know that it’s really good skateboarding, somehow though it doesn’t quite hit the spot. I think a couple more watches, (possibly with the sound down yet again on a Suciu part) might help. I really liked the Spitfire part though. Blue Dog didn’t do it for me. Then there was that other one and something something.

I don’t know, sometimes less really is more.

Edit: Mark, I know you’re bound to be reading this Ill considered waffle churned out by some old bugger. So, just to be clear, it’s not you, it’s me.


I think you could argue there were a few superfluous single tricks in there…but that was a pretty fucking sick part.

Still think Yuto’s first trick in his part beats all of Mark’s at the end there though. I did enjoy that last burst of intensity though…so many incredible tricks.

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Fuck that was mental.

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Yeah if you don’t like Mark Suciu just watch from 6.00 onwards for the best bits :sweat_smile:

This. Guys a beast.

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Part was ridiculous.

Fuck no it isn’t. You take that back


Wow that was amazing, I was just thinking he only has to do some kind of flip out of a rail trick and he’s pretty much completed rail skating and then he goes and does one :man_shrugging:

A nice smattering of London based tricks in there as well.

But boring to you not to others though.


Yes it is. And better too.

Instead of ‘Flora’ he should’ve called it ‘101 awkward ways to grind a handrail’