The Continually Updated Footage Thread

I’m so down for people to wear whatever they want to wear…so disagree with you completely on that.

BUT…I did feel like Kien had some banging stuff in that part but it was really watered down by some terrible tricks in there, too.
Theres a solid 45 second part in there, for sure…


Low impact jibbing. I’m not a demander of gnar but this is somewhat low level. Fun, but nothing to write home about. He/she/they needs to wear a street seat belt to go with that mask.

That’s why I said some of it was good.

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Re Kien, can’t stand that style of skateboarding. Had to turn off after about 1 minute. Does nothing for me.

The 5-0 350 out was rad. Some other stuff was good too, but sometimes you need to nail the classics before going too experimental. (Or in other words what someone else said about the shorter part being in there amongst the filler).

I’m 110% on board that the representation is good and needed though.

No that’s not what i’m saying. I also am down for people to wear what they want to wear. I’m merely pointing out that what they want to wear looks fucking terrible.

You think they look good?


In some parts, yes.

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I thought you had taste :wink:

I didn’t mind the clothes. It was only the masks that got me. If it had more masks, worse skateboarding and a liberal sprinkling of naked bodies, hairy stretched arseholes and sweaty foursomes I’d have been backing it.

It’s just too watered down.


Ah I’m going to have to watch this now.

Watched it: Not for me thanks. There was some cool stuff in there but too many nothing lines that tried to be ‘creative’ with no payoff. I think if you’re gonna do that sort of skating (which does have its place) it should be more like the stuff coming out of Japan and less like Richie Jackson - and this felt closer to Richie.

Outfits are whatever but not necesssrily always good fashion choices - the mask seemed more like an accessory.

I can understand it courting controversy to some degree, in the sense of the Thrasher comment section: ‘bro is this a guy’ ‘this isn’t real skateboarding

Dressing like a supply teacher? Fair enough. Questionable trick selection? Passable. Mask in a clip? A step too far. Ban this filth.

Genuine question: what is the issue with masks?

You can’t see facial expressions when they do tricks?

I think wearing a mask to skate outdoors is being a bit of a silly-billy.


There was definitely a moment when the first round of Covid started to ease up when a few pros would film tricks in masks.

I think it is just a fashion statement, no?


And a bit of a political statement? ‘I care and am thinking of others [even in a situation where we know this gesture to be fairly pointless].’


2.5 years into a pandemic and people still care when people put a bit of cloth on their face lol

I don’t really wear one any more but I don’t give a shit if other people do


Yeah, true. It’s not always that thought out, but I think the idea of some sort of a statement is bang on.

Throughout its history, skateboarding has been jam packed with political statements. They just aren’t all as snappy as Jim T. graphics.


The mask felt like a fashion choice, more than anything to do with covid oddly. I went through three stages watching this, from what the fuck is this, to there is some good stuff in here actually and I’d rather there were more people like this in skating than the street league, jock types.


Agree with you.

To be a harsh critic for a moment though given they’re now a pro, I think it’s possible for people to do this type of skating at an ‘equivalent’ level of someone skating at top tier ‘normally’. This isn’t that though.

Having said that, this feels more clearly as being skating as a form of personal expression, which can only be a good thing.