The Continually Updated Footage Thread

How about Ishod’s jorts?

I have to say my preference is for a lack of visible hosiery with my skateboarding, unless you’re going full Navarette.

Jorts are ok in my eyes, but that might be because I’m clinging on to any vestige of what was ok in my youth.

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adult men in shorts is pretty much awful.
but it’s too hot for trousers.
guess I’m a cunt.

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jorts should be strictly reserved for australians.
and leo sharp.

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What is the name of this spot?! It’s exactly what I’ve tried to recreate recently but “Y’know that spot in Barca with the little tight banks and matey did that really good ollie out of it, and people grind the top all the time?” isn’t a good name…

Barceloneta banks.

EDIT: Oh no ignore me I just checked the pic haha. Not Barceloneta at all.

Arc de Triomf

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has anyone posted the Santa Cruz video yet? whoever green lit Asta’s song selection needs a P45


Haha! Almost lolled into a conf call then. * mutes *

Some great skating, Tom Asta has some good stuff, but pretty much all the music was awful, when Blake Johnson came on I was expecting something G, then it was some twee tune like every other video lately.
Winkowski like you say does some rad stuff, but when you see him setting up for a nollie flip with no nose you know it’s not gonna be pretty… That board probably feels good skating ramps, wide board with a big tail makes things more solid, and it suits his style, but it just becomes a bit of a joke when it’s “OMG he did a nollie trick with no nose!” when he could just do it on a board with a nose, and it would surely look and feel a lot better?! I feel like the shaped board trend is just restricting people from tricks!?

i think i need to watch the video with no sound. i got to the second skater and the music just made me switch off. terrible choices

Just watched the Tom Asta section with the sound off and it was pretty dreamy. Just need it with no music and skate sounds for the full skateboarding mukbang experience.

Santa Cruz have a pretty good team I reckon. Couple of stinkers though for sure.
I watched last night with really low vol so didn’t get a terrible vibe.

Thanks for the heads up.
Will watch later but not listen so much.

RE: etnies video. the americans doing the hucking is great and all but Barney killllllls it, so smooth


I thought Jiri Bulin also had some really sick stuff in there.

was that the long haired dude with the cast?