The Rugby Thread

A horrible half of rugby that I now love. Odd game.

Was wondering when the crushing heartbreak was going to happen. Good to get it over with early

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Double FFS .

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cries in Celtic

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Didnā€™t think I would be saying this given the binfire that Welsh rugby is, but I think thatā€™s a very promising Welsh team

Good luck to this guy for tomorrow.

Fuck yeah fuck yeah


If I was Borthwick Iā€™d be very frustrated with that England performance

Wow , France really have had a tripe 6 nations, even more infuriating Scotland lost to them after that .

I knew he wasnā€™t going to get that after that 10/10 conversion to get them the draw. I didnā€™t anticipate how that was going to happen.

How did that ball fall over anyway? So, so cruel.

Oh no. Can feel a wooden spoon hurtling our way at great speed.

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Best Italian performance in yonks

Stoked for Lynagh

Forza Italia!

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Well fuck me. This is why you donā€™t punt everything you own on a GS (I was very temped pre tournament).

Get in.

Great game and great England Performance. The performance that the Borthwick/F. Jones game plan has been threatening

Got home and saw the Scotland result and literally burst out laughing, absolutely wtf moment till I saw the Ireland score :joy: wow so glad we lost to Italy :joy::joy: next weekend is pure popcorn :popcorn:

I really wanted France to score from that blind sling pass. Holy shit that whole move was amazing.

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Throw us out of the 6N