The TV Thread

Not as much as they should, no. And most of the talk in HE is around how they should but don’t/can’t.

Season 4 of Goliath has been very good so far.

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That’s tomorrow night sorted!

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Stoked! Recently re-watched his last one with all the family. Had the mother crying :joy:

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“The Hunt for a Killer” on BBC4 was realy good - very understated. Nicely filmed series about a long drawn out murder case in Sweden, which was almost more about the bureaucracy of their police than the actual murders. Was on a few weeks ago, but still on iPlayer.

Also been watching the Star Wars Visions anime series on Disney Plus with my daughter, which is pretty cool. All the episodes are produced by different anime studios, so some episodes are better than others. A lot of in-jokes and references to old Star Wars and samurai movies etc.

Paris Police 1900 starts on BBC4 this Saturday, which looks like it will be viusally stunning at least.

Yes, I like programmes with subtitles. CMOAC


Perfection. Such a fucking legend.

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Was about to write that. Great special.

Bad Sport: Hansie Cronje Episode

My cousin used to play cricket for the Western Province schools’ team in the early 90s which meant loads of super cheap tickets to Newlands in Cape Town to watch tests and ODIs. I can’t believe how dated this era looks but it was probably the best time to live in SA and then of course it all started to unravel pretty quickly by the realisation that the most common trait among all South Africans is an inherent greed. This also marked the moment that I lost interest in all mainstream sport for at least 10 years.

Hansie’s plane crashed into the mountains near my grandparents’ house and you could see the helicopters etc the following day when all the clouds cleared. Was a bit heavy.

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Peak Chappelle is one of the greatest comedians of all time but wow is he obsessed with being cancelled/ trans/ gay people at this point

I’m not part of the uproar against him for the comments he makes as I think there’s more nuance to them and the pull quotes don’t do it justice but jesus christ move on stop being so defensive, get over it and stop constantly talking about it.

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Yeah watched that the other night, was quite uncomfortable viewing at times, not that I was offended but knew he was Stirring the hornets nest big time.

He did make some very good points about the hypocrisy of these times we live in and you can see recently comedians are now explaining theirselves even more than before , like they’re all on the back foot with everything that comes out their mouths.

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I could happily go the rest of my life without listening to another millionaire comedian taking potshots at trans people

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I don’t know if I 'd call what he’s doing potshots, just don’t see why he dedicates so much of his show to talking about gay/ trans people. After the backlash on his first Netflix special he’s just doubled down on the trans talk and just feel like he could have a much better stand up show talking about something else, gets a bit tiresome.

Yeah I agree. I’m just tired of the discourse in general tbh. Im tired of the fact there even is a ‘discourse’, im tired of hearing about it. And if I feel like that imagine how actual trans people feel.

I just don’t get why people give so much of a shit how other people want to define their own gender. Just let people live their lives in peace


Have I got news for you was on fire tonight. Everyone was on point

I’m on episode 4 and loving it, and then just got a massive spoiler from that Apple news feed thinger.

Thought it lived up to it’s hype. Pretty good all the way through. Ending felt slightly unfulfilling but it’s still a good 8/10 show/

I’ve been enjoying all the Korean stuff on netflix recently. ‘Kingdom’ is an awesome TV show (The prequel movie is just ok), I’d go as far as saying it was one of my favourite things out last year.

It’s zombies in feudal Korea but thankfully the story doesn’t really focus on the zombies as much and it’s more about the politics of the different ruling clans. It’s beautifully shot and the set design is amazing.


Just finished “I May Destroy You” on the iPlayer.
I think it’s a BBC/HBO joint venture.
Set mainly in London. 12 episodes.

Really good. Well worth investing in.
It kind of snakes around as to what it is but the story is strong.

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Dave series 2 on the iplayer.

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Both shows above are top notch :ok_hand:t2:

That was the last drama I worked on before the lockdown. I’ve never installed so many toilet sets On a show ever. And when I found out why- as the scrip was released, it all became sour and haven’t watched it.

I did save arabella’s king size bed from being skipped, little does my housemate know what was filmed on it.