The TV Thread

Just had a look for it, is it on apple tv only?

Cinema, it’s been a while. Going to try to catch it

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Two episodes into Squid Game and I’m bored as fuck. Does it get better? Shall I stick with it? Really close to sacking it off.

yeah, don’t bother. its alright but way too drawn out.

spoiler if you bail now…

the old man is behind it all

No joke……I guessed that already haha

Gonna sack it off

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Thought it was ok but some of the sub plots like the undercover cop and the lead baddie never really got resolved.

Season 2…
Or 3…
Or 4…

Squid game is way overated and the kind of thing that draws in the average bloke with a desensitation to violence and thinks kicking off in a pub is just “bants”

I heard it described as Saw meets Hunger Games, (which I’ve not seen either of but know for sure that they’re not up my street), by someone who didn’t know what Battle Royale was (but probably would have thought it was great)… They thought it was cool and so I decided that I wasn’t even going to bother. Seems like a good call on my part from what I’ve heard.

It’s not terrible by any stretch but there are no twists it’s just mindless violence in a half interesting package. The twist is not a twist because loads of red flags make you guess it correct at various stages along the series.

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Lol such an edgy take

Agree it was overrated though. But it’s entertainment, it entertained me.

I’m joking of course, loads of people around me have been raving about it. I thought ot was ok. I preferred Money Heist and that’s kinda on similar vibes, kinda… hmmm

I didn’t have a bad time with Squid Game, it was alright. I generally watch TV and movies, in combination with alcohol, as a way of turning my brain off.

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I enjoyed the Squid Game, I am pretty thick though and never, ever see or guess what’s gonna happen. <3 tele

I see they already have the masks of the guards on the market stall.
they don’t hang about.

I’m watching it now, thanks for the spoilers although the old guy was obvious.

I dislike the fact these guys are gambling for their lives, not that they knew that going in.

Stylistically it’s ok.

Battle Royale was very good, it’s kind of played out now though.

The Handmaiden is a very very good movie if you want something Korean, it’s incredible.

Squid Game is fine, gets better in some later episodes.

Can’t help but feel that I saw it already a few months ago when I watched Alice in Borderland, also on Netflix.

Squid Games just a victim of hype at this point, was a nicely contained, well paced mini series I thought. No classic but better than majority of stuff being churned out on streaming these days. Don’t see how anybody watched the dubbed though, I switched over just out of curiosity and holy shit was bad.


Yeah, I noticed in the 2nd episode that there was dubbing…I lasted 20 seconds.

You are totally right on your review of it. I agree.