Video Games

Good question.

It looks like something that would be on a demo disc from a PlayStation magazine in 1997.

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Did you go AMD or Intel?
I’m planning a PC refresh this year and really can’t decide what to build.

AMD seem to be best for the money right now. Didn’t want to spend loads, I got this:

32GB of RAM, an RX570 off ebay that was from a decommssioned mining farm and an SSD.

I’ve got a few spare ssds that i would be looking to add.
That’s a pretty good price.
I’d need psu and a few other things too though since I will be migrating from a laptop.

The game that keeps on giving and giving.

TLDR: an easy glitch that let’s you smuggle in any 2 materia from one save to another (Steam only). He takes KOTR and HP<>MP and puts it on Barrett at the first save point.

Not convinced that there’s anything deeper going on than it’s just habit based on what you first got used to.

However, not inverting the Y-axis is equivalent to mongo pushing.


Word! I reckon it comes from playing old flight simulators and stuff.

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FFVII remake demo is up.

@Les_Zeppelin I have a skate 3 challenge for you, been trying it for days with no luck.

Double bridge gap at the Observatory downhill bit.



I wish that cunt had just flipped it.

Have none of you played the ffvii demo yet?!


The voice acting in the trailer for ff7 made me cringe a bit.
The same thing happens every time I play a jrpg. I get 3/4 in and lose interest. I love the original ff7 and played most of it several times but never finished it.

Yeah the idea of giving Cloud a voice I find a little strange and from what I’ve seen the voice acting seems quite grating. Don’t think I’ll commit to splashing out on it right now but am interested to play at some point.

Reviews aren’t as glowing as I’d have expected but hard to say how much people judgement/expectations are Clouded (lol) by their opnions of the original

Replaying Persona 5 at the moment, might be my favourite jrpg of all time. Everything about it is perfect.

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the problem for me is that the text style of character interactions in the old final fantasies and the combat mechanism is what made them. very few people who loved those games way back when is going to feel the same about the remake(s). it’s impossible that any new combat mechanism or voicing is going to please people

i would’ve been totally happy with a remake that had modern graphics but sitll had text speech etc. (but then what would’ve been the point)

edit - i really like the attention to tiny details in the remake tho

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OK I’ve played it up to the guard scorpion again. It’s definitely easier than the demo which I suspect might be the new game hard mode.

As for the text voice thing it’s sort of a hybrid. Cutscenes are fully voiced but NPCs are sort of mainly text bubbles (albeit on the side of the screen) with a bit of voice acting thrown in. It’s good.

I think when I actually understand all the buttons and get a handle on all the madness that goes on in battles I think I’m going to love it.

I’m starting to grasp how it works but what I can’t get my head around is how you’re supposed to know what staggers things and what attacks your supposed to use when they are staggered? Same goes for blocking and evading. Not sure what to do when really.

There’s so many things to look at at once it’s overwhelming.

Because I replayed this bit in the original less than a month ago I think I’m getting the full effect of the graphics. They are incredible. Absolutely incredible.

Interested to see how they are going to pad this out. Busting into shinra HQ should be amazing.

Been playing Doom Eternal - bit frantic but pretty good. :rocket:

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perhaps i really need to give it a bit more time