Video Games

I would have been tempted to buy THPS (again) but it’s not going to be available for Switch.

Skater XL - which I’m keen to try - is “coming July 2020”.

The only I’ve never played…

You’re in for a treat, once you’ve played this one though going back to the older ones sucks

Blimey, Epic have played a blinder there. Already got it on the 360 and it probs won’t work on my PC but I’ll have it anyway.

It’s so fun to play through. Might do it again. I love how easy it is to pick up and put down.

I love how much fun you can have just playing. Like completely ignoring the plot and what you’re supposed to do and exploring and trying stuff.

Looks like it’s killed the Epic website though.

Managed to get GTA5.
I’ve got a pretty hefty spare work laptop, i7 with an Nvidia Quadro m1200 graphics card in it.
Hooked that up to my 32" 1440p monitor and it runs the game pretty well.
It’s been a long time since I got into to a game and I’ve enjoyed the other GTA games over the years.
Could be a couple of hours of entertainment tonight.

Uodate: wow. Super fun. Love being able to switch between characters. Keyboard and mouse control though but still playable.

I’ve only got a mac but will try get it running on a vm or something. @Snurp please tell me how I can do this.

No matter how consistent you are playing as Tom Asta on this youäll probably never be as good as him IRL

Session is pretty fun, it is a tiny bit clunky compared to SkaterXL I find. That’s just mainly the grinds, though.

There are a few things both developers need to work on still, but they are super fun to play once you nail the controls.

I followed this Youtube tutorial on a set of mods that allow you to change so much. You can go from pop force, truck tightness, grind pop etc.

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I nearly started playing GTAV on my weekly video game hour last night, but for reasons unknown popped in Far Cry 2 instead. It was shit, then my controller batteries died and I read comics instead.

Should’ve played GTA.

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For some reason I woke up at 3 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I started unchartered 4 and managed to play for 4 hours before my daughter woke up and demanded we watch cbbies


I used to think this game was a mock up or joke, but my Son installed Farm Simulator on his PS4 last week so… out of curiosity …I fired that up to have a go.

I lolled hard at the edit your character bit (Aviators and a John Deere cap, please), but quite liked driving up and down a field in an imaginary combine harvester.

Much better suited to my reaction times than Fortnite for sure.

Get on Snowrunner, it’s the perfect wind down. It’s the crown green bowls of gaming.

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Thanks for the suggestion but I’ll have to rain check - I’ve got a bloody farm to run. :man_shrugging:t3:

Also… I want to try the off-roading game mentioned earlier in this thread first.

Mudrunner? Snowrunner is the follow-up, get that instead. There’s a lot more to do, more trucks and whatnot and you’re stuck in the mud in more scenic locations than a dank, gloomy Russian forest, some of which include snow.

Spent last night retrieving some containers from a river and hauling them to the port using this beast:


Does anyone play DayZ? I started playing it this week and holy shit is it frustrating. I’ve got a couple of mates who’ve been playing quite a few years now but I’m very new and thought I’d been well prepared for it by them but I just threw my controller and had to go for a walk to cool off.

Is anyone playing COD Warzone?

I’m TERRIBLE at it but it’s fun.

I’m a big CoD fan usually but haven’t played Warzone – it seemed a bit too intense

It does but it’s kind of easy to work out and I don’t think I’ve ever played an FPS before besides Goldeneye.