Video Games

…and the Nine club really for everyone that slags it off, haha.

I don’t know much about this game but this trailer makes it look like dog dirt.

It all looks a bit floaty. but they’ve got some interesting machanic like being able to catch tricks with individual feet, Quite fun to play. But yeah that vid makes it look bad!


It’s a shame they don’t map the skaters face they pull mid trick like in photos etc instead of the completely indifferent look of boredom they have all the time

Be nice to have those spots on skate3 or if they do a 4

Kind of looks like they’ve modelled the skater’s movements off Ronson Lambert

Ok so I downloaded Session and it’s terrible.

No game will come close to Skate 2 and 3.

Also has nobody else been playing COD Warzone? Me and @neddy been playing it a lot together it’s wicked.

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Anyone else playing TLOU2? I’m about 25 hours in yet (just after you switch characters) and I think it’s incredible.

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I never got round to playing the first one. The resident nerd in work is begging me to play it so I can get round to the sequel because he’s loving it too. No spoilers!

I got this for a tenner last night. Controls are harder than they look here:

I’m currently replaying the first game, first time on this gen - had it on PS3 and the remastered version has sat in my PS4 library for ages because it was offered for free a bit ago. It’s stunning. I mean, the story is depressing as fuck, but it’s a great experience.

The Last of Us is the most over rated game of all time

The story was good and the world building and graphics were great but gameplay wise it was horrible. Didn’t know what it wanted to be and everything it did want to be was done badly.

Or as I liked to call it;

The Ladders of Us.

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It was pretty clunky in parts, and the parts where you play as Ellie were so cumbersome.

Have you played pt2 yet?

I didn’t mind those parts but all the ladder stuff and finding routes on car roofs got a bit tedious. It reminded me of the half life games in some places, kind of puzzles you have to complete to navigate through the map. Not really puzzles, just chores. But I still loved it though and I can’t wait to play the new one. Annoyingly I have to wait for PS5 because I can’t justify getting a PS4 right now.

One of a few games that I got to the end and just went “Woah”. I think only MGS games have had that effect on me before.

I really can’t get over how good part 2 is. Just finished it for the third time. I’m a big fan of the linear format and have been watching interviews with the director saying they had originally planned to make it much more open world. Glad they didn’t!

MGS 5 Phantom Pain I loved but I got stuck on a mission that I couldn’t get past. It was so fucking hard I tried about 100 times and couldn’t get past it.

Same here. There’s this mission where you have to take out a bunch of guards at this wooden house before some general gets there or something. If you’re spotted the general won’t arrive so you fail the mission. Pretty much gave up after that.

2 & 3 were so amazing though. I love the way they created this whole universe and lore around the characters.

The one I got stuck on was similar, there was a truck that came and then all these ghost things come that disappear so you can’t lock onto them. I couldn’t survive long enough to kill them despite using all of the special tricks and loadouts etc. I even watched a video on how to do it.

I’ve not no, don’t really have much desire to play it since I didn’t like the first one and everything I’ve read about 2 makes it sound like a slog and sounds quite unpleasant to play

I’m probably (definitely) biased, but I think it’s brilliant. Very cinematic, the lighting and sound design is great.
I didn’t feel like the gameplay was clunky at all. It did get a tad repetitive during the stealth kill animation in parts and the whole “here’s a long sequence of the character opening a door to try and mask the fact that it is actually loading the next part of the game”.