I think we need a thread devoted solely to trousers.
Shorts > Trousers, come at me bro
I recommend dickies work shorts. Only pair of shorts I’ve ever liked.
I currently dont own any jeans, all my trousers are slim chinos in black or navy.
One thing I hate about some trousers is the ones that have pockets at an angle so your phone falls out. I’ve lost 2 phones that way and now I won’t buy any trousers where the pocket doesn’t go horizontally.
Did you know that back in the day, trouser legs were put on separately and fastened together at the waist.
Hence “pair of trousers”
I have 2 pairs. Can’t go wrong for £18 or what ever they are. I alternate between these and some regatta trousers work gave me
Strictly shorts between the clocks going back until they go forward again.
I‘m backing that cholo look. Shorts, white T-shirt, long socks.
Correct me if this isn’t the right thread, but I got some cracking white sport socks from sainsbury’s a while back. Long enough to pull up near the knee and two stripes. Hope they still do them.
I bought a pair of these last week after my go to trouser got discontinued and they’re really decent quality. I don’t usually buy ‘skate’ clothing but not sure if Levi’s really count as that anyway. Very heavy cotton, maybe not great for summer, but they feel like they’ll last.
Where from?
I feel my life revolves solely around trying to find the perfect chino in both black and navy, slim not skinny. An endless futile quest
Volcom Solver jeans or Carhartt Vicious jeans. Denim is generally fine, but I love a bit of twill too.
Got a few pairs of Volcom shorts, all dope, stretchy, proper colours (no garish wank), quick dry, light, etc. Frickin or Surf N Turf.
element do the best black trou i’ve ever worn, mega stretchy and last fucking ages even though i skate in them loads
I wanted the polar 90’s jeans but at between £80-90 a pair i ain’t paying that to skate in and damage.
Went on eBay and got some “Vintage” £120 Ralph Lauren loose jeans for £25 . Love skating them, light and loose enough for even hot days.
I’ve bought more since and will probably do that from now on.
Got about a dozen pairs of the Carhartt Marshall trouser but they’re not stretchy so not great for skating in. Palace trackies are good because the mesh inside keeps the shape but stops above the ankle so they sit properly on your shoes. Rate Polar chinos and cargoes too, slightly stretchy and tough as a Swedish winter.
It’s all leg wear.
Nothing but corduroys since about 1994/95
Do you teach geography?
Zara do some good ones. And Mango. Pretty much the only places I can get trousers that fit.